Our People, Our Team

Faculty, Residents, & Staff

Nice To Meet You!


We invite you to meet the residents, faculty, and staff of the University of Colorado Family Medicine Residency.


Our residents come from medical schools across the United States. They forge close relationships with each other and with the faculty and staff, becoming a central part of our residency community. While we certainly work hard together and value our roles as health professionals, we also take time to enjoy each other’s company, laugh, and to get know and appreciate each other as people.


Our residency benefits from the leadership of innovative and nationally recognized faculty. While they have broad interests and academic pursuits, they are drawn together by the desire to do the best possible job of educating the next generation of family physicians.


Our faculty members are here not only to provide a good education but to support and nurture our residents though the challenges of becoming excellent family physicians.

Family Medicine (SOM)

CU Anschutz

Academic Office One

12631 East 17th Avenue

Box F496

Aurora, CO 80045


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