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Week of June 13th, 2023
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Can magnets help heal depression? Dr. Elizabeth Fenstermacher is featured in a CU Anschutz News article that talks about Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), an “outpatient procedure that uses MRI-strength magnetic pulses to stimulate a specific region of the brain – the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.” For patients with treatment-resistant depression, the procedure offers hope beyond yet another medication trial.Dr. Scott Thompson participated as a panelist in the Aspen symposium to answer questions about his work on the first modern-era Colorado psilocybin clinical trial for depression, as featured in this Aspen Times article.
Emily Hemendinger, MPH, LCSW, is featured in an article for the Denver Post about eating disorders. She said, “For some folks (for whom) a higher level of care is really needed, there are aspects of treatment that are extremely uncomfortable.”
Advancing Research Collaboration: AB Nexus Awardees Announced. The AB Nexus program has announced its sixth round of grant awards to researchers from the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus and the University of Colorado Boulder. One of them being Patrick Romani, PhD for his study Novel Methods to Prospectively Predict the Occurrence of Severe Behavior Problems in Youth.
Shannon McWilliams was nominated for the work hard and be nice to people award.
The American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC) has been exploring ways that academic health centers can address the mental health crisis afflicting our nation today. Access to care has been a major problem. One solution they have been showcasing is behavioral healthcare integrated into the primary care setting.
They have developed a four-part webinar series devoted to this topic. The fourth and final installment is scheduled for June 13 at 2:00 PM MDT. This webinar will feature exemplar integrated systems of care, one of which is the integrated system developed at the University of Colorado between the Departments of Family Medicine and Psychiatry. Frank deGruy will be presenting a brief description and operation of this unique, successful system. Register here.
Coons, H.L., Talmi, A., Ogbeide, S.A., & Ward, W.L. (March 2023). All Things (Un)equal: Strategies to Improve Gender Equity and Inclusion in Academic Health Centers. 11th National APAHC Biennial Conference, Louisville, KY.JOURNAL PUBLICATIONS
Davis RA, Branagan T, Schneck CD, Schold JD, Thant T, Kaplan B. Lithium and the living kidney donor: Science or stigma? Am J Transplant. 2023 May 24: S1600-6135(23)00489-6. doi: 10.1016/j.ajt.2023.05.022. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37236400.Hemendinger, E. June 7, 2023. Mounting research documents the harmful effects of social media use on mental health, including body image and development of eating disorders. The Conversation.