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Patient Resources

The chief responsibility of our Department is to assure the best possible outcomes for our patients having surgical operations, painful invasive procedures, and childbirth. The University of Colorado affiliated hospitals have top nationally-recognized physicians delivering the best possible anesthetic care, as well as a full range of perioperative care. We have an Innovative pre-procedural consultation service that determines whether patients are in optimal medical condition prior to undergoing the stress of surgery and, if not, recommends how to get them there.

Our team of Critical Care Specialists (Anesthesiologists and Surgeons) manage the care of patients in the Surgical Intensive Care Unit while another team of pain specialists alleviates post operative pain and other pain syndromes in hospitalized patients. Finally, the University of Colorado Hospital's development of the Anschutz Centers for Advanced Medicine has allowed the Department to assemble the most comprehensive Pain Medicine Practice in the Rocky Mountain Region.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an anesthesiologist?
A specialist who administers an anesthetic to a patient before he is treated, or a physician specializing in anesthesiology.

What is Anesthesiology?
The American Society of Anesthesiologists has several excellent patient education articles on this subject.

What is pain medicine?
The ASA says: In addition to the patient's pain being relieved or blocked entirely during a surgical procedure, it is equally important to provide adequate pain relief postoperatively for the patient's comfort and well-being.

Patient Testimonial

Olympic Medalist Chris Klug had some words of thanks for our department and Dr. Thomas Henthorn. He said we could share them with you:

I am here today because of the great job the team of Doctors at the University of Colorado did during my liver transplant in July 0f 2000.  I remember waking up and instantly feeling better.  Everything went so smoothly. I was back on my board in less than two months and able to quickly return to my dream of an Olympic Snowboarding Medal. Sometimes people don't give much thought to what goes on while they are "out" during surgery, but when one is having a liver transplant, the skill and expertise of the anesthesiologist, guiding you through this operation, is a very big deal. Anesthesiology is a scientific discipline in which new discoveries are put right at the cutting edge. Great performances can only come from teamwork, research, and practice; and these guys are the master of all three. I was scared before my surgery and my anesthesiologist at the University of Colorado talked me through the procedure and helped me prepare for what was ahead. All I remember after that was waking up and feeling like new! I urge you to team up with the Department of Anesthesiology at the University of Colorado and help them find even more amazing breakthroughs in the treatment of diseases and pain. 
Chris Klug, Olympic Medalist


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University of Colorado Hospital Notice of Privacy Practices.

Anesthesiology (SOM)

CU Anschutz

Leprino Building

12401 East 17th Avenue

7th Floor

Aurora, CO 80045

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