Choosing to receive training in both Anesthesiology Critical Care Medicine (ACCM) and Adult Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology (ACTA) is the right decision for many applicants. These fellowships provide complementary skillsets that are ideal for candidates looking for a career in academic anesthesiology practicing both cardiothoracic anesthesiology and critical care.
We believe the University of Colorado offers an ideal place for Dual Track training in ACCM and ACTA. The Critical Care and Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology sections are both involved in a busy, diverse clinical practice and are also engaged in clinical and basic science research. However, the greatest asset of our fellowships is the collegiality and collaboration between the two sections which include four faculty dual trained in ACCM and ACTA. Because of this, we are able to create a learning environment that provides a rich clinical experience, mentorship for career paths in private practice, academic and research, and a strong foundation for lifelong learning.
Since the ACGME dictates that all the milestones and requirements for each fellowship must be completed within one academic year, it is difficult to create a truly integrated fellowship path for the Dual ACCM/ACTA Track. However, within the confines of these rules, our Dual Track aims to create an experience that is unique and well beyond the experience of completing both fellowships sequentially. The sections below will review the application process as well as give a sample curriculum for a Dual Track fellow. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any inquiries.
Sarah Alber, MD
Assistant Professor of Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology & Critical Care Medicine
Program Director, Anesthesiology Critical Care Medicine Fellowship
Program Director, Combined Anesthesiology & Critical Care Medicine Track
Both the ACCM and ACTA fellowships participate in the San Francisco Match and the Dual ACCM/ACTA Track is a match exemption scenario of the SF Match. More information about the match exemption process is described by the Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists and a guiding document has been developed by the Society of Critical Care Anesthesiologists.
At the University of Colorado, we begin the Dual Track with the ACCM fellowship followed by the ACTA fellowship. Because of this, applicants interested in the Dual Track must apply to the ACCM fellowship in the SF Match and check off the dual match box in the application and fill out the supplemental questionnaire. At this point, the application for the Dual Track will be considered completed and no further action is needed.
A concurrent ACTA application may aide the application by including letters of recommendation and personal statements specific to a career in cardiothoracic anesthesiology. Therefore, an applicant may wish to submit an application for ACTA as well but this is not a requirement.
Applicants with further questions for the Dual Track can contact:
Alyson Poeppelman