Note that individual training requirements will differ depending on your responsibilities and the nature of your work and all courses listed below may not apply to you. Please discuss your specific training requirements with the Division of Reproductive Science Administrator, Olivia Castillo, and your supervisor.
Environmental Health and Safety Guidance for New Researchers
On-the-Job Safety Training Form
EHS Training Courses in Skillsoft
Other EHS Informational Documents
OLAR Training for New Personnel
CITI Human Subjects Research Training
Conflict of Interest (COI) Disclosures
If you are a new employee, researcher, PRA, post-doc or student working in the lab or vivarium, you will need to enroll in the Occupational Health Program.
Occupational Health Enrollment
Workers must enroll in the EHS Occupational Health Program (OHP) if they:
To enroll, submit and email EHS a completed Initial Medical Surveillance Questionnaire, then call the Occupational Health Clinic at (303) 724-9145 or email EHS a request to schedule a corresponding appointment.
All prior immunization records must be submitted by email to EHS prior to the appointment, or by hard copy at the appointment.
Occupational Health sends an Annual Medial Surveillance Form to all OHP-enrolled workers to be completed yearly.