CU Obstetrics and Gynecology Research

A tradition of producing effective, high-impact research that will improve the health of our population and future generations.

Lorna Grindlay Moore, PhD Faculty Launch Fund

Due date for Letter of Intent is January 17, 2025

Learn More

The history of research in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Colorado School of Medicine is rich and diverse. Seminal, historic achievements in Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Gynecologic Oncology and Reproductive Endocrinology have emanated from this institution, including but not limited to:

  • The first Maternal-Fetal Medicine fellowship training program in the world (E. Stewart Taylor and Fred Battaglia).
  • The advent of Obstetrical and Gynecologic Ultrasound (Kenneth Gottesfeld).
  • The first use of urinary estrogen as a marker of fetal well-being (Rudolph Anker, Paul Bruns, and George Betz).
  • The first studies on fetal physiology at altitude (Edward Makowski and Lorna Moore).
  • Maternal and gynecological infectious diseases (Ron Gibbs and Jamie McGregor).
  • The role of estrogen and progesterone receptor in endometrial cancer onset and progression (Kimberly Leslie).

Our basic sciences investigators and clinical researchers are fully committed to extending this tradition of research excellence. To this end, we have established research programs in all of the major subdivision of OB-GYN and some non-traditional areas, such as mammary gland biology. We have developed full-spectrum bench-to-bedside research programs in most of these areas, and have been participants in numerous clinical trials, both NIH and industry-sponsored.

We have partnered with the community to engage our patients, through the Center for Women’s Health Research and through division-based community initiatives, and we have maintained old and created new collaborative research efforts that reach into geriatrics, metabolism and endocrinology, biochemistry, molecular biology, and –omics technology. In addition to these traditional scientific efforts, we collaborate intensely with each other, and self-evaluate on a regular basis to maintain the most effective research teams possible.

About the Administrative Research Core (ARC)

ARC is a full-service research support team serving all University of Colorado School of Medicine Deptartment of OB-GYN Faculty Researchers and Trainees. The team strives to provide expertise and resources with a high level of customer service.

  • We administer the regulatory and financial components of the OB-GYN research portfolio.
  • We facilitate communication with the different offices in the University as well as reaching out to other institutions and sponsors.
  • We provide guidance to the Department on Federal, State, Sponsor, and University policies.
  • We train research teams on University systems.

Administrative Research Core (ARC) Team

Email us at

Pamela Alvarez Moran

Pamela Alvarez, BA

Administrative Research Core Manager

Phone: (303) 724-6501

Greta Devol

Greta Devol, BA

PreAward Coordinator
Assists with Federal and Foundation proposal submissions; Works with principle investigators on post-submission requests including JITs and progress reports; Routes all incoming money with few exceptions.

Phone: (303) 724-0279

Charlie Graves

Charlie Graves, BS

Regulatory and Finance Coordinator
Regulatory submissions; prepares invoices for industry sponsors; ensures compliance for clinical study subject compensation programs.

Phone: (303) 724-3859

Naila Naushad

Naila Naushad, MBBS

Regulatory Manager
Oversees regulatory management for clinical research.

Phone: (303) 724-3859

Bergonias Sessou

Bergonias Sessou, BA, MA

Regulatory Coordinator
Assists with all the regulatory processes and submissions.

Phone: (303) 724-9765

Brenden Schatz, BS

Brenden Schatz, BS

Grants and Contracts Coordinator
Provides post award administration for federal and foundation grants and contracts; maintains financial projections and reconciliation of projects.

Phone: (303) 724-3053

This information is brought to you by the Department of OB-GYN Administrative Research Core (ARC). Please direct any questions to

This information is brought to you by the Department of OB-GYN Administrative Research Core (ARC). Please direct any questions to

February 2025 Announcements

New ARC Team Members

Charlie Graves, Regulatory and Finance Coordinator

Charlie GravesCharlie Graves is joining the Administrative Research Core as the Regulatory and Finance Coordinator and will work on regulatory submissions, preparing invoices for industry sponsors, and ensuring compliance for clinical study gift card programs. They are transitioning from their role as Senior Clinical Research Coordinator in the CU Division of Family Planning, where they have worked for six years. Before relocating from Pittsburgh to Denver in 2019, Charlie was a Research Assistant with the Center for Family Planning Research at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC). With over eight years of experience in OB-GYN clinical research, Charlie is now excited to pivot to the administrative side of OB-GYN research. In addition to their professional work, Charlie is pursuing a Master of Public Health in Population Mental Health and Wellbeing at the Colorado School of Public Health. Outside of work, they enjoy comedy, art, bird watching, and spending time with their partner and two cats.

Brenden Schatz, Grants and Contracts Coordinator

Brenden SchatzBrenden Schatz is the Grants and Contracts Coordinator within the Administrative Research Core Team and will be providing post award administration for federal and foundation grants and contracts, maintaining financial projections, and reconciliation of projects. He is a recent graduate from the University of Wyoming with a bachelor's degree in finance and psychology. He is originally from Sheridan, Wyoming and has since moved to Denver to be around his family. In his free time, he researches urban equity and development in addition to reading and playing board games with friends and family.

UCHealth and CU Medicine Invoices

With the Marketplace upgrade, there was a change in the process of submitting Medical Payment Vouchers. Your study team might have received a notice asking you to submit for Requestor access to be able to continue submitting these invoices for payment. The Procurement Service Center has also offered a custom fix for our department process flow to maintain Shopper-level access and obtain submission access for Medical Payment Vouchers. If you have not yet submitted for Requestor access, you can take the following trainings and send their certificate of completion (from Percipio/Skillsoft) to to be granted access.

Two of these training courses should have already been taken by Shoppers related to their Shopper access. If you have any questions, please contact

New Upcoming NIH Biosketch Requirements

Please note that NIH will require the use of Science Experts Network Curriculum Vitae (SciENcv) to complete Common Forms and will require all Senior/Key Personnel to enter their ORCID ID into SciENcv in the Persistent Identifier (PID) section of the Common Forms for applications submitted on or after May 25, 2025. More information can be found NIH Notice NOT-OD-24-163: Reporting Requirement Compliance

Please ensure timely submission of your study results to to maintain compliance with reporting requirements. Delays in reporting can result in significant penalties. For guidance and support, including assistance with results reporting, please visit this link. We also encourage you to review the FAQs for a detailed understanding of the requirements and potential consequences of delayed results. As the responsible party, it is crucial to stay informed and ensure compliance for your studies. Thank you for your attention to this important compliance matter.

Gift Card Programs

Helpful reminders and tips for setting up and managing gift card programs:

  • Contact our new ARC member, Charlie Graves at, for questions and assistance with setting up and amending gift card programs.
  • Gift card programs require a custodian who is a single individual delegated to oversee the gift card program. Custodians must first complete the Percipio (formerly Skillsoft) “CU: Custodian Responsibilities - Gift Cards, Petty Cash, and Change Funds” training.
  • When purchasing gift cards in advance, avoid an excess gift card inventory. Strive to only purchase a few weeks' worth of gift cards at a time as refunds may not be available for unused gift cards. We recommend using electronic gift cards to avoid this.
  • Consider using Tango Card Inc., a new Marketplace vendor which sends a secure email to the recipient who may then choose from dozens of gift card options, including Visa, Amazon, Target, and Walmart.
  • Recipients receiving more than $100.00 per calendar year must sign a W9 form.
  • Keep all gift card receipts as they are needed to reconcile gift card programs.
  • Keep your gift card tracking log up to date.
  • Be mindful of your gift card approval period as gift cards may not be purchased or distributed outside of the approved timeframe.
  • Amendments are needed prior to executing changes to your gift card program, including changes to speedtype, start and end date, custodian, purchase amounts, card denominations, card vendor, distribution method, and location.

Updates to Health Data Compass Service Pricing

"Did you know Health Data Compass offers Self-Service Data Delivery tools? These tools are the perfect option for those who want to explore our data assets and self-serve cohort data quickly and easily. Perfect for discovery and hypothesis generation. Our self-service databases provide a variety of deidentified patient information. Visit to get started. Please note Self-Service Data Delivery will remain free to our customers after March 3, 2025, when Compass' Custom Data Delivery service pricing will be increasing. We want to assure our customers who have active projects that they will not be affected by this price increase. Visit to learn more about our data delivery options."

Legislative Updates

Dean Sampson sent the following message in an email on February 24:

For the latest updates, FAQs, and guidance on federal actions affecting our operations, visit the CU Anschutz Federal Transition Update web page. You should also read the Federal Government Transition Update posted by the CU Office of Government Relations. Last Friday's update includes important information about matters that concern our campus community. Stay informed, stay connected, and trust that together, we'll continue advancing our academic, research, clinical, and public service missions.

Announcements Archive

Research Updates:

CU Reproduction (CURE) Review Panel

The objective of the CURE Review Panel is to identify weaknesses and improve proposal quality.

Minimum requirements for submission

  1. R-Awards: Title, Summary, Aims, Strategy, Literature, Justification, Bio sketches.
  2. K-Awards: Title, Summary, Aims, Career Goals, Strategy, Literature, Justification, Bio sketches (including Mentors).

Please include a Summary Statement and Response to Critique. Compile an almost complete proposal as a single PDF, include word file for scientific editing, and send it to For any questions, please contact Thomas Jansson.

2024 submission deadlines (by 5pm):

  • December 2

For more information please visit the website.

Individual Person Effort Report (ePER) Certification

If you work on a sponsored project, you are required to certify effort on that project. Certification provides assurance to the sponsor that the effort being put into a project matches the effort paid by grant funding. Sponsored projects include federal grants, service contracts, association and foundation awards, and industry-sponsored studies.

Click here for step by step instructions on certifying your project.

Upcoming Events:

OB-GYN Department Holiday Party

December 15, 2024 at 5:30pm
Denver Zoo Lights
2300 Steele Street, Denver, CO 80205

Please RSVP by December 4th, contact Arel Neuenschwander for more information.

Research Updates:

Guidance on Listing Affiliations in Publications

The Strauss Health Sciences Library has provided guidance on proper listing of campus affiliation for publications. This improves the department's and university's ability to find and publicize faculty publications. Correct affiliation involves Primary Campus + Schools and Colleges. In particular, ensure that you are including “Anschutz” (spelled correctly) in your affiliations.

For example, the following are examples of correct affiliations:

  • Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, School of Medicine, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO, USA
  • Division of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, School of Medicine, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO, USA

Some incorrect affiliations include:

  • Division of Reproductive Sciences, UC Denver School of Medicine, Denver, CO [Should list campus as University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus]
  • Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, CU AMC, Aurora, CO [Full campus name should be spelled out]

CU Reproduction (CURE) Review Panel

The objective of the CURE Review Panel is to identify weaknesses and improve proposal quality.

Minimum requirements for submission

  1. R-Awards: Title, Summary, Aims, Strategy, Literature, Justification, Bio sketches.
  2. K-Awards: Title, Summary, Aims, Career Goals, Strategy, Literature, Justification, Bio sketches (including Mentors).
    Please include a Summary Statement and Response to Critique. Compile an almost complete proposal as a single PDF, include word file for scientific editing, and send it to For any questions, please contact Thomas Jansson.

2024 submission deadlines (by 5pm):

  • September 25
  • December 2

For more information please visit the website.

COI Disclosure Period

The next Conflict of Interest (COI) collection has begun as of Wednesday, August 7, 2024 and COI Disclosures will be due by the end of October 2024.

As a reminder, a COI Disclosure must be filed by faculty, officers, staff with fiscal roles, staff who negotiate on behalf of the university, and individuals who are engaged in research.

Questions? Click here to visit the COI webpage for more information on the University of Colorado Denver | Anschutz Medical Campus Conflict of Interest Policy or contact the COI staff at

Proper Use of AI

Not all generative AI is approved for use at the university. In particular, ChatGPT is not approved.

The following AI assistants are recommended for use:

The following AI image generators are approved for use:

The following AI environments are recommended for use:

  • Vertex AI
    • Can be used with confidential data
    • Google Cloud console tool
    • Can be accessed by submitting a Google Cloud request to the Enterprise Research Computing Team; contact if you would like to set up an account.
  • Azure OpenAI
    • Will be available to university employees soon

SkillSoft/LinkedIn trainings for AI use will be potentially available soon.

ScieNFT Preprint Server Department Account

The OB-GYN Department has recently obtained an account on the blockchain-based preprint server ScieNFT. This server allows for any preprint to be tokenized as an NFT with the goal of providing better tracking of scientific manuscripts, better coordination between researchers and funding sources, and greater transparency in data sharing. If you would like to utilize this server, please contact Hannah Dimmick ( to inquire about accessing the department account.

Upcoming Events:

Manuscript Writing Workshop

A manuscript writing workshop (taught by Hannah Dimmick, the department scientific editor) will take place in the weeks following the grant writing workshop.

This course will run for 6 weeks from October 16 - November 20th on Wednesdays from 4-5PM and will be taught in a hybrid format.

The course is geared towards clinical/post-doctoral fellows and junior faculty but may be able to accommodate others upon request.

Content will include basics of outlining, structuring, writing style, grammar, effective use of figures, and revising.

The goal of this workshop will be for each individual to produce a completed manuscript by the end of the program, so participants should arrive with (at minimum) research results or (at maximum) an early draft.

If you would like to sign up or have additional questions, please contact Hannah Dimmick at

2024 Department of OB-GYN Research Retreat

Join us on Wednesday, October 2nd for the 2024 Department of OB-GYN Research Retreat, and submit your abstracts by Friday, September 13th for the Research Retreat Poster Session.

Visit the event website for more information!

Research Updates:

Internal Routing Deadlines Reminder

Routings for applications where the final grant submission is performed by the Office of Grants and Contracts must be received for review by Grants and Contracts PreAward by the end of the 12th business day prior to the submission deadline for OGC PreAward Approval.

The final electronic version, ready for submission, must be in InfoEd eRA for Grants and Contracts by 4:00pm on the 4th business day prior to the submission deadline date. Notification must be sent to when the application is ready for submission. If the application is submitted by a method other than InfoEd eRA, then the notification must include the application file, or the application must be ready in the applicable sponsor portal.

CU Reproduction (CURE) Review Panel

The objective of the CURE Review Panel is to identify weaknesses and improve proposal quality.

Minimum requirements for submission

  1. R-Awards: Title, Summary, Aims, Strategy, Literature, Justification, Bio sketches.
  2. K-Awards: Title, Summary, Aims, Career Goals, Strategy, Literature, Justification, Bio sketches (including Mentors).
    Please include a Summary Statement and Response to Critique. Compile an almost complete proposal as a single PDF, include word file for scientific editing, and send it to For any questions, please contact Thomas Jansson.

2024 submission deadlines (by 5pm):

  • May 20
  • August 5
  • September 25
  • December 2

For more information please visit the website.

Scope of Work Contracts for Hiring Independent Contractors [SOWs]

Need to hire an independent contractor? Check out this document for a rundown on the process for setting up SOW contracts and submitting payments.

NIH Grant Guide

Did you just get funded for a new NIH Grant or current have one? Check out our guide to see what is allowable and unallowable on your grant.

Upcoming Events:

Grant Writing Workshop

The 2024 Grant Writing Workshop will take place August 7 - September 18, 2024. The group will meet from 4-5PM every Wednesday.

The goal of this course will be to provide an opportunity for junior faculty, postdoctoral, and clinical fellows in the Department of OB-GYN to acquire knowledge and basic skills in grant writing.

The course will be taught by Thomas Jansson and Hannah Dimmick.

Those eligible to participate include:

  • Postdoctoral fellows, clinical fellows, junior faculty (instructors, assistant professors)
  • Must have definite plans to submit a grant proposal within 3-6 months in response to a funding opportunity that they are eligible for
  • Must have formulated a hypothesis/specific scientific question. Some preliminary data is advantageous
  • Must have identified a scientific mentor who is willing to read and provide scientific input on the grant during the course.

The application deadline is July 29, 2024 at 5PM

To apply, please include:

  1. Cover letter with information on the scientific mentor, funding agency, and deadline.
  2. A letter from the scientific mentor confirming willingness to commit time to provide feedback on the proposal during the course.
  3. Preliminary Specific Aims page (NIH format).

Please email applications and inquiries to

Manuscript Writing Workshop

A manuscript writing course/workshop will take place October 16th - November 20th (6 weeks).

The manuscript writing course will involve 6 weeks of classes that will take attendees through writing basics, as well as the process of outlining, constructing different sections, and revising. Attendees should expect to leave the course with a completed manuscript, so should bring data that they are planning to turn into a paper. Anyone is welcome to attend, but instruction will be geared towards newer writers (i.e., clinical fellows, residents, PhD students). The course will be offered in a hybrid format. Please direct any questions and registration requests to

Internal Routing Deadlines Reminder

Routings for applications where the final grant submission is performed by the Office of Grants and Contracts must be received for review by Grants and Contracts PreAward by the end of the 12th business day prior to the submission deadline for OGC PreAward Approval.

The final electronic version, ready for submission, must be in InfoEd eRA for Grants and Contracts by 4:00pm on the 4th business day prior to the submission deadline date. Notification must be sent to when the application is ready for submission. If the application is submitted by a method other than InfoEd eRA, then the notification must include the application file, or the application must be ready in the applicable sponsor portal.

Routings where the final grant submission is performed by the PI/Department must be received for review by Grants and Contracts PreAward five (5) full business days prior to the submission deadline.

eRA Commons ID Requirements Take Effect

After a prolonged rollout, the NIH requirement for all personnel listed on the R&R Senior/Key Person Profile Form to have a valid eRA Commons ID goes into effect for due dates on or after January 25, 2024. Applicants will now receive an error (no longer a warning) if the “Credential, e.g., agency field” is blank or does not contain a valid eRA Commons ID for all personnel and errors must be corrected before submission will be accepted.

Guidance on Salary Limitation for Grants and Cooperative Agreements FY 2024

NOT-OD.24-057: Effective January 1, 2024, the salary limitation for NIH is $221,900.

For active awards, including awards that have been issued in FY 2024 (continuation and new) that were restricted to Executive Level II, if adequate funds are available, and if the salary cap increase is consistent with the institutional base salary, recipients may rebudget funds to accommodate the current Executive Level II salary level.

CU Reproduction (CURE) Review Panel

The objective of the CURE Review Panel is to identify weaknesses and improve proposal quality.

Minimum requirements for submission

  1. R-Awards: Title, Summary, Aims, Strategy, Literature, Justification, Bio sketches.
  2. K-Awards: Title, Summary, Aims, Career Goals, Strategy, Literature, Justification, Bio sketches (including Mentors).

Please include a Summary Statement and Response to Critique. Compile an almost complete proposal as a single PDF, include word file for scientific editing, and send it to For any questions, please contact Thomas Jansson.

For more information please visit:

#18 in OB-GYN NIH Research Funding

$5,017,347 in NIH Funding in 2021

*Source: Blue Ridge Institute for Medical Research
Thomas Jansson, MD, PhD


Thomas Jansson, MD, PhD

Florence Crozier Cobb Endowed Professor
Chief, Division of Reproductive Sciences
Vice Chair of Research, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology


T. Rajendra Kumar, PhD


T. Rajendra Kumar, PhD

Professor and Edgar L., Patricia M. Makowski and Family Endowed Chair
Associate Vice Chair of Research


Jeanelle Sheeder, MSPH, PhD


Jeanelle Sheeder, MSPH, PhD

Associate Vice Chair of Clinical Research



Contact Info

Pamela Alvarez Moran
Administrative Research Core Manager
12700 East 19th Avenue
Room 3009, MS 8613
Aurora, CO 80045

Phone: (303) 724-6501
Fax: (303) 724-3512


Thomas Jansson, MD, PhD


Thomas Jansson, MD, PhD

Florence Crozier Cobb Endowed Professor
Chief, Division of Reproductive Sciences
Vice Chair of Research, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology


T. Rajendra Kumar, PhD


T. Rajendra Kumar, PhD

Professor and Edgar L., Patricia M. Makowski and Family Endowed Chair
Associate Vice Chair of Research


Jeanelle Sheeder, MSPH, PhD


Jeanelle Sheeder, MSPH, PhD

Associate Vice Chair of Clinical Research



Contact Info

Pamela Alvarez, BA
Administrative Research Core Manager
12700 East 19th Avenue
Room 3009, MS 8613
Aurora, CO 80045

Phone: (303) 724-6501
Fax: (303) 724-3512


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