The overall goal of the Colorado Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (CCTSI) Early Life Exposures Program (ELEP) is to enable investigators in diverse disciplines and all career stages to train, participate, and excel in research focusing on human health and diseases that have their origins at early stages of life. As a result, the ELEP will foster a new generation of scientists trained in the complexities of translational research involving pregnant women and their offspring from infancy through childhood and adolescence. The ELEP will support new multidisciplinary collaborations among basic, clinical, and translational scientists at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus (CU-AMC) and in the CCTSI community.
Included in this program:
The Perinatal Research Core (PRC) is a core of research nurses and professional research assistants that are highly experienced in the recruitment for and coordination of studies in the OB ambulatory clinics. The team works under the direction of Principal Investigators at both the University of Colorado and/or Denver Health. By fostering partnerships across the clinical and research teams at each institution, the PRC facilitates the success of the individual studies as well as supporting the research mission of our partner institutions.
If a study requires in-person recruiting in the OB clinics at the University of Colorado, the Department of OB-GYN requests that investigators use a member of the Perinatal Research Core. This is to ensure that pregnant women are approached about research in a way that is coordinated, respectful, and integrated into the high-quality care experience in the University of Colorado OB clinics.
Services Offered
PRC 24/7 Pager: (303) 266-0945
Check out all of our currently recruiting clinical studies in the CU Anschutz Research Studies database!