Residency Verifications

To request a residency verification, please contact Joshua Caraballo at:, or (303) 724-2052.

All residency verifications cost $25 to complete. A check made out to the University of Colorado Department of OB-GYN should be sent to the address below:

CU Department of OB-GYN
ATTN: Joshua Caraballo, Verifications
Academic Office 1
12631 East 17th Ave., MS B198-6
Aurora, CO 80045

Please be aware that verifications may take up to two weeks to complete.


Contact Info

Joshua Caraballo
Medical Student and Residency Program Coordinator
12631 East 17th Avenue
Room 4007, B198-1
Aurora, CO 80045

Phone: (303) 724-2052
Fax: (303) 724-2055


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