Kathleen A. Connell, MD

Professor and Division Chief
William B. Goddard, MD, Endowed Professor in Urogynecology
Divisions of Urogynecology & Pelvic Reconstructive Surgery & Reproductive Sciences
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology


MD (1996), State University of New York Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY

Research Complex 2
12700 East 19th Avenue
Room 3010, MS 8613
Aurora, CO 80045

Phone: (303) 724-2038
Fax: (303) 724-3512

Research Interests
Dr. Connell is passionate about advancing scientific research in the field of female pelvic medicine. Her research focuses on the effects of aging and other women’s issues on pelvic support, with the ultimate goal of preventing pelvic organ prolapse and developing new treatment options.

Full List of Publications

Recent Publications

  1. Heiman J, Guess MK, Connell K, Melman A, Hyde JS, Segraves RT, Wyllie MG. Standard for Clinical Trials in Sexual Dysfunctions in Women: Research Designs and Outcomes Measurements. J Sex Med 2004;1(1):92-97.
  2. Connell K, Guess MK, Bleustein CB, Powers K, Lazarou G, Mikhail M, Melman A. Effects of age, menopause and co-morbidities on neurological function of the female genitalia. Int J Impot Res 2005;17:63-70.
  3. Palan PR, Connell K*, Ramirez E, Inegbenijie C, Gavara RY, Ouseph JA, Mikhail MS. Effects of menopause and hormone replacement therapy on serum levels of coenzyme Q10 and other lipid-soluble antioxidants. Biofactors, 2005;25(1-4):61-6. (*Co-first author)
  4. Connell K, Guess MK, La Combe J, Wang A, Powers K, Lazarou G, Mikhail M. Evaluation of the role of pudendal nerve integrity in female sexual function using non-invasive techniques. Am J Obstet Gynecol. May 2005; 192(5):1712-7.
  5. Guess MK, Connell K, Schrader S, Reutman S, Wang A, LaCombe J, Toennis C, Lowe B, Melman A, Mikhail M. Genital sensation and sexual function in women bicyclists and runners: are your feet safer than your seat? J Sex Med, 2006 Nov;3(6):1018-27.
  6. Connell KA, Guess MK, Chen H, Andykan V, Bercik R and Taylor H. HOXA11 is critical for development and maintenance of uterosacral ligaments and deficient in pelvic prolapse. J Clin Invest. 2008 Mar;118(3):1050-5.
  7. Fadiel A, Lee HH, Demir N, Richman S, Iasaki A, Connell K, Naftolin F. Ezrin is a key element in the human vagina. Maturitas. 2008 May;20;60(1):31-41. Epub 2008 May 16.
  8. Connell KA, Guess MK, Chen H, Lynch T, Bercik R, Taylor HS. HOXA11 promotes fibroblast proliferation and regulates p53 in uterosacral ligaments. Reprod Sci. 2009 April 24.
  9. Connell KA, Guess MK, Tate A, Andikvan V., Bercik R, Taylor HS. Diminished vaginal HOXA13 expression in women with pelvic organ prolapse. Menopause 2009 May-Jun;16(3):529-33.
  10. Chen HW, Guess MK, Connell KA, Bercik RS. Ischiorectal abscess and ischiorectal-vaginal fistula as delayed complications of posterior intravaginal slingplasty: a case report. Journal of Reproductive Medicine 2009; Oct; 54(10):645-8. PMID 20677486.


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