Karvas Lab

​Understanding the development of the placenta and how it communicates with other tissues of the fetus,

The Karvas lab studies the development of the placenta and how it communicates with other tissues of the fetus, namely the forming brain. The human placenta is physically and ethically challenging to study in humans. Animal models display distinct differences from human placental development that result in a lack of insight into diseases of the placenta that are uniquely human, such as preeclampsia. My lab models early placental development with stem cells. We utilize 3D culture techniques such as organoids, blastoids, and bioengineering approaches to answer key questions related to the development of placental villi and to gain insights into the etiology of severe preeclampsia. Additionally, we aim to understand how the placenta influences early brain development and patterning and how the placenta translates maternal signals to impact brain development, elucidating mechanisms of long-term neurobehavioral outcomes.


2023, International Federation of Placental Associates (IFPA) 2023 conference Charlie L.W. Loke Abstract and Travel Award winner – September 2023

2023, International Society for Stem Cell Research Conference Research Merit and Travel Award Winner – June 2023

2023, “Best of Cell Stem Cell 2023” for Karvas et al., “3D-cultured blastoids model human embryogenesis from pre-implantation to early gastrulation stages.”


Contact Info

Olivia Castillo
Division Manager
12700 East 19th Avenue
Room 3000D, MS 8613
Aurora, CO 80045

Phone: (303) 724-4144


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