For urgent medical questions: Call (303) 724-2323
In case of a life-threatening emergency, call 911
For Insulin & Supply Refills: Request via MyChart
Please note that requests for pump supplies or CGM sensors will not be processed after-hours or on holidays or weekends. Insulin refills will only be processed during normal business hours unless you will run out prior to the office reopening. If urgently low on insulin, call (303) 724-2323 to speak with the on-call physician after-hours.
For basic questions, check out our After-Hours FAQ before calling.
Since diabetes questions do not only arise during business hours, there are resources available to help you 24/7. You can always get in touch with the on-call physician after hours in case of a medical issue, however for some more routine questions, check out this FAQ first.
Diabetes Resources for Healthcare Providers, Families, Schools and Educators: Checklists, Forms & Sample Letters
Many of these forms can be found in the 14th edition of Understanding Diabetes by Drs. Chase and Frohnert. Order Here
Recursos de Diabetes para Proveedores de Servicios de Salud, Familias, Escuelas y Educadores
Puede encontrar estos formularios y más información en el libro, "Un Primer Libro para Entender La Diabetes." Ordene Aqui