T32 Training Program for Pediatric Endocrinologists, Diabetes Psychologists, and Medical Students
The T32 Career Development Program "Developing Pediatric Endocrinologists and Diabetes Psychologists for the Future" is designed to help address the critical shortage of trained physicians and behavioral scientists throughout the United States, with particular attention to addressing the need for scientists trained in pediatric diabetes research. Since 2001 when this training program began, individuals trained through our program have demonstrated outstanding professional trajectories with the great majority of trainees remaining in academic positions. In 2019, we added a postdoctoral fellow in the clinical psychology position to address the even more critical shortage of psychologists trained in behavioral research and diabetes.
The overall goal of the T32 Program is to develop pediatric endocrinologists and psychologists who are well grounded in basic, translational, and/or clinical science research skills required for advancing the field of knowledge in type 1 and type 2 diabetes and are educated in collaborative and integrated approaches for translating basic discoveries in diabetes into opportunities for advancing clinical research and care. This program supports funding for 3 pediatric endocrinology fellows and one psychology postdoctoral fellow each year. The Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes and the Pediatric Endocrine Department at the University of Colorado offer unique opportunities for PhD psychologists to train alongside pediatric endocrinology fellows, enriching the training experience of both disciplines.
Additionally, this T32 Program supports the NIDDK Medical Student Summer Research Experience in Diabetes coordinated through Vanderbilt University. This short-term summer program (2-3 months) allows 1st or 2nd year medical students to be involved in diabetes and diabetes-related research. The students develop a research project with their mentor and participate in meetings and local conferences. At the end of the summer, students are invited to a science symposium at the University of Vanderbilt to present a poster of their summer project and meet with other participants.
Diabetes Research at BDC & CU
Program Dates and Deadlines
Location: Aurora, Colorado - University of Colorado and Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes & Children's Hospital Colorado
Fellowship dates: Varies - see individual program application instructions
Deadline for application: Varies - see individual program application instructions
Notification date: Varies - see individual program application instructions
Apply & Additional Information
CU Pediatric Endocrinology Fellowship
Applications are accepted through ERAS. Requirements and instructions are available on the CU AMC website.