Junior Faculty Individual Career Development Plan

The Department of Medicine recognizes the importance of establishing a mentor relationship as part of our junior faculty’s ongoing professional development. As part of this effort, there is a revamped process for the Junior Faculty Mentoring Program with a new and more streamlined form, process and timeline.
Establishing a primary mentor relationship and meeting regularly is a requirement for all junior faculty of both the Department of Medicine and the School of Medicine.
New Individual Career Development Plan:
- All Assistant Professors will be required to submit a new Individual Career Development Plan (IDP) on an annual basis.
- Assistant Professors will complete the IDP with their Primary Mentor, and both the Assistant Professor and Primary Mentor are required to sign off on the form to complete the submission process.
- The new IDP form makes this process simpler and streamlined, and it replaces the Mentor ID Forms and Mentor Progress Reports, which are no longer required.
Step by Step Process to Complete the Individual Career Development Form:
- Assistant Professors: Access and complete the IDP. Be sure to fill out all required fields including the name and email address of your Primary Mentor.
- Primary Mentor: Once the Assistant Professor submits the form, the Primary Mentor will receive an automated email from the Faculty Advancement Office to review and sign off on their Mentee’s form.
- Form Completion: Once the Primary Mentor has reviewed, added any comments, signed and submitted, both the Assistant Professor and the Primary Mentor will receive an automated email from the Faculty Advancement Office that includes a link to download the completed form as a PDF.
- PRiSM Upload: The completed IDP form should be downloaded as a PDF by the Assistant Professor and uploaded within PRiSM (to the Additional Supporting Documents Section) as part of their annual review. Review this form as an example.
Questions or concerns? Please contact the Department of Medicine Faculty Advancement Office at DOMFacAdvancement@ucdenver.edu.