Global Health 

Global Health Guatemala 2022CU Med-Peds is proud to participate in the global health experiences of both the Pediatric and Internal Medicine categorical programs. Established opportunities include away rotations in Guatemala, Zimbabwe, Zuni (New Mexico - Indian Health Service), but residents are also able to choose from other international sites. In addition, if a resident has an established relationship with a country/hospital/clinic, our leadership team will help you design a rotation to permit you to return to that site. There are lots of options! Residents with a strong interest in global health can work with program faculty to tailor a curriculum specific to their goals. Both categorical programs have global health pathways that include regular didactics, journal clubs, guest speakers, and mentorship opportunities for longitudinal projects. Global health pathways through the categorical programs are open to Med-Peds residents.

CU Med-Peds is affiliated with the Center for Global Health on campus. This gives us access to their free lecture series, an annual Global Health and Disasters course, research opportunities and support for international travel. 

We have opportunities to participate in both local and international electives pertaining to global health. These include but are not limited to Refugee Health, Indian Health Service, Public Health with the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Underserved Medicine, and international rotations.

Our two most established opportunities with some support for expenses incurred are: 

  • Colorado – Zimbabwe International Exchange (CoZIE) program in Harare, Zimbabwe. This is a bilateral exchange program between University of Colorado School of Medicine (DOM UCSOM) and the Department of Internal Medicine in the University of Zimbabwe College of Health Sciences (UZCHS). The rotation takes place in their medical school, which is located in an urban setting. This allows for residents to work in a resource poor setting with a team of UZCHS faculty, residents and medical students.
  • The Guatemala (Trifinio) Global Health Elective. This is a clinic experience located ~45 minutes south of Coatepeque, Guatemala. The Center for Global Health and the Hose Fernando Bolaños Foundation developed this clinic and community programs in the surrounding area. The clinic serves a population of banana plantation workers and their families.
  • Zuni Comprehensive Community Health Center. This is an Indian Health Service site around 2.5 hours west of Albuquerque, NM. Residents provide direct clinical care in high-acuity (small inpatient, high-turnover ED/urgent-care) and primary care settings. Residents also experience other community-based practices such as home health visits, a separate adolescent health center, and link to local cultural organizations.

Our current residents and alumni (listed below) have participated in all of the above rotations, and would be happy to answer any further questions. Please use this inquiry form to reach out to them.

  • Rebecca Mcgourty, MD (alumni, Guatemala, Zimbabwe) 
  • Eleanor Comfort, MD (alumni, Indian Health Service)
  • Carolina Gutierrez, MD (alumni, Guatemala)
  • Diana Whitney, MD (alumni, Zimbabwe, Indian Health Service) 
  • Amy Beeson, MD (alumni, Indian Health Service) 
  • Bilaal Ahmed, MD (alumni, Kenya) 
  • Mi Tran, MD (alumni, Indian Health Service Zuni) 
  • Helena Villalobos, MD (alumni, Indian Health Service Zuni and Guatemala) 
  • Sutton Higgins, MD (alumni, Indian Health Service Alaska)
  • Gus Ruchman, MD (PGY4, Indian Health Service Zuni)
  • Jonathan Taylor-Fishwick (PGY4, Rwanda)

Dr. Helena Villalobos in Guatemala

Dr. Helena Villalobos and clinic staff at Guatemala site

Dr. Ahmed in Kenya

Kenya Medical Training College

Zuni, New Mexico

Indian Health Service in Zuni, New Mexico

Department of Medicine (SOM)

CU Anschutz

Academic Office One

12631 East 17th Avenue


Aurora, CO 80045


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