Below is a list of just a few of the many conferences and national meetings at which our residents have presented in the last few years!
Regan Denny. Spontaneous Tumor Lysis Syndrome in a Patient With Serous Endometrial Carcinoma. American Thoracic Society (ATS) May 2025, San Francisco, CA
Simona Martin, Elizabeth Stein, Bhawna Arya, William Tressel, Jason F. Deen. Inequities in Indigenous Youth with Rheumatic Fever in the USA:A Single‑Center Study. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, December 2024
Julia Small. The Unmet Healthcare Needs of Adult patients Adopted in Childhood: What Adult Medicine Providers Need to Know. Selected for an oral presentation at the ACP Colorado Chapter Conference, Colorado Springs, February 2025 and the ACP National Conference, April 2025. Received the ACP Governor’s Choice Award.
Jonathan Taylor-Fishwick, Megan Soohoo. Assessment of the Accuracy of the Perioperative Mortality Risk in Adults with Congenital Heart Disease (PEACH) Score. Presentation at the American Heart Association's Scientific Sessions 2024, Chicago, November 2024
Elizabeth Stein. Effects of pelvic radiation therapy on lower urinary tract function in adolescent/young adult cancer survivors. Poster accepted for the 6th Global Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Congress, Melbourne Australia, December 2024
Samuel G. Ruchman, Sarah Scarpato and Erin Bredenberg. Creating a clinical pathway for inpatient initiation of direct-acting antivirals for hepatitis C infections. Oral presentation at SGIM Mountain West Regional Meeting, October 2023
Kathryn Hawrot, Nick Breitnauer. Medical-Dental Integration to Increase Clinic HPV Vaccination Rates in Community Clinic. Poster accepted for the 2023 AAP National Conference & Exhibition, October 2023
Jonathan Taylor-Fishwick, Amber Khanna. Evaluating the incident and outcomes for post-operative Atrial Fibrillation in Adult Congenial Heat Disease Patients after Cardiac Surgery. Poster accepted for the 8th World Congress of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Survey, Washington D.C. August 2023
Oliver Bawmann. Post- Embolization Syndrome: An Important Sepsis Mimicker to be Aware of. Poster accepted for the Society for Hospital Medicine Conference in Austin, Texas, March 2023
Sutton Higgins. Impact of Co-occurring Substance Use Disorder on Inpatient Adolescent Psychiatry Outcomes. Poster accepted for the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) 54th Annual Conference, April 2023
Kelsey M Repine, Oliver Bawmann, Madelyn Mendlen, Steven R Lowenstein. Investigating Wellness and Burnout Initiatives for Anesthesiology Resident Physicians: Time for Evidence-Based Investigation and Implementation. PMID: 35659400 Anesthesiology Clinics, 2022-06-01, Volume 40, Issue 2, Pages 275-285
Geyer, Emily D., Elizabeth A. Stein, Douglas S. Paauw, and Sheryl A. Pfeil. "Medical education and professional identity formation in the COVID-19 pandemic: Reflections from future physicians." Medical Professionalism Best Practices: Leadership and Professionalism. 2022 Alpha Omega Alpha Monograph. 51
David Scudder. Toxic Uncertainty: A Challenging Case of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning. Poster presentation at SIDM’s 15th Annual Society to Improve Diagnosis in Medicine Conference, October 2022
Lynne Rosenberg, McGinn E, Chandler G. Finding the resident voice amidst stressors associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. Poster presented at Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE), Lyon France, August 2022
Tate, Tyler, Elizabeth Stein, and Robert Pearlman. “A Shell of My Former Self”: Using Figurative Language to Promote Communication About Patient Suffering. Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics, published electronically July 1, 2022.
Lynne Rosenberg, Riku Moriguchi, Nikolaus Matsler, Laurie Seidel Halmo. Pediatric Toxicology Patients and Appropriateness of Initial Disposition, Outstanding Resident Poster Award 1st Place, the Department of Peds Spring Poster Session 2022
Aliza S. Green, Samuel G. Ruchman, Beselot Birhanu, Stephanie Wu, Craig L. Katz, Elizabeth K. Singer, Kim A. Baranowskim. Immigration Judges’ Perceptions of Telephonic and In-Person Forensic Mental Health Evaluations. Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Online Apr 2022, JAAPL.210075-21; DOI: 10.29158/JAAPL.210075-21
Lynne Rosenberg. Sex-Specific Impact of Intrauterine Smoke Exposure on MicroRNA Expression During Human Lung Development. Oral presentation at the ATS International Conference, May, 2022
Samantha Robin, Eleanor Floyd, Julie Venci. Improving the Care of Medically Complex Young Adults: An Innovative Curriculum for the Internist. Workshop presentation at AAIM/MPPDA Meeting (AIMW22) April 2022
Helena Villalobos, Mi Tran, Carolina Gutierrez, Julie Venci. Incorporating a Social Determinants of Health Screener into Resident Clinic: Lessons Learned and Opportunities for Change. Poster and Workshop presentation at AAIM/MPPDA Meeting (AIMW22) April 2022
David Scudder, Samantha Robin, Aaron Manning. A "Boot Camp" to Support Med-Peds Interns in Specialty Transitions. Poster presentation at AAIM/MPPDA Meeting (AIMW22) April 2022
Erika Becerra-Ashby, Kelli Robertson, Katie Raffel. Shunted to Psychiatry: Delayed Diagnosis of Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia. Poster presentation at Society of Hospital Medicine National Conference 2022
Andrew M. Freddo, Roni M. Jacobsen, Elizabeth Yeung, Matthew L. Stoned, Joseph D. Kay, Amber D. Khanna. Surgical management and outcomes of endocarditis in adolescents and adults with congenital heart disease. International Journal of Cardiology Congenital Heart Disease, Volume 8, June 2022, 100364
Lynne Rosenberg, Christopher Kovach. In SITU Simulation of In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest to Improve Resident Physician Confidence and Performance. Poster presentation at the ACC 71st Annual Scientific Session, April,
Oliver Bawmann, Crenshaw MM, Levy R, Barry J. A Case of Hyperbilirubinemia from E. Coli Meningitis Despite Negative PCR Testing . Poster Presentation at Diagnostic Error in Medicine 14th Annual International Conference October, 2021
Nicholas Breitnauer, Julie Venci. Evolving Low Back Pain: Delayed Diagnosis in the New Era of Telemedicine. Poster Presentation at Diagnostic Error in Medicine 14th Annual International Conference October, 2021
Lynne Rosenberg, Chani Traube. Parental symptoms of anxiety and depression upon PICU discharge and at 30-day follow-up. Oral presentation at 51st Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) Conference February
2022 -
Dr. Rosenberg won the STAR Research Achievement Award!
Mi Tran, Helena Villalobos, Carolina Gutierrez. Screening and Referral Practices for Social Determinants of Health in Denver Health Primary Care: Opportunities for Improvement. Poster presentation at SGIM Mountain West & New England Virtual Regional Meeting, November 2021
David Scudder, Juan Lessing, Alana Freifeld, Molly Weinberg, Erica Swenson. A Snapshot in Time: The Challenge to Meet Diagnostic Criteria in a Patient with Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis. Poster Presentation at Diagnostic Error in Medicine 14th Annual International Conference October, 2021 - Dr. Scudder's poster was selected for the best clinical vignette during the conference!
Lynne Rosenberg, McGinn E, Chandler G, Patel R, Seltz LB. Resident stress and its association with program leadership response during the COVID-19 pandemic. Poster presented at Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE); Virtual. August, 2021
Jonathan Schultz, Amy Beeson, Timothy Newton, Josh Gannon, Anne Frank, Carlos Franco-Paredes, Michelle Haas, Julie Venci. Impact of An Internal Medicine-Pediatrics Residency Quality Improvement Project to Increase Latent Tuberculosis Screening, Am J Med Sci. 2021 May; 361(5):670-672.
Bawmann Oliver, Esther de Boer and Anna Neumeier. Spontaneous Pneumomediastinum, a Rare But Serious Complication of Pneumocystis Jirovecii Pneumonia. Abstract and Poster Presentation at the American Thoracic
Society 2021 Conference
Bawmann Oliver. Can You Tell That I'm Pretending? Published in 2021 edition of The Human Touch
Scudder David R, Samantha G. Robin, and William A. Manning. A “Boot Camp” to Support Med-Peds Interns in Specialty Transitions. Poster presentation at APPD Spring 2021 Virtual Meeting
Clark, S. Helena Villalobos, Andrew Berry. Vertebral Osteomyelitis: Maintaining High Suspicion in Unique Presentations, poster presentation at SGIM Annual Meeting, April 2021
McGinn E, Rosenberg L, Chandler G, Patel R, Seltz LB. Resident stress and its association with program leadership response during the COVID-19 pandemic. Poster presentation at the Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) 2021 Virtual Meeting, April 2021
Higgins, S. Identifying Teens Mothers at Infant Well Child Visits in an Urban Pediatric Health Center, poster presentation at the Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) 2021 Virtual Meeting, April 2021
Villalobos H, Tran M. Refugee and Immigrant Support Efforts (RISE), awarded the NMPRA Community Service Grant Community Service Grant, October 2021
Robin, SG. CU Med-Peds Program Initiative: Med-Peds Intern Switch Bootcamp, Spotlight On, the NMPRA Perspective Fall 2020 Edition
Rosenberg L, Farajpour H, Lublin B. The Clot Thickens! A Case of Idiopathic Pulmonary Vein Thrombosis. Poster presentation at SHM Hospital Medicine Summit of the Rockies, January 2021.
Scudder D.R, Stephanie Serva, Eric Young. Lactobacillus Bacteremia in a Veteran with Hepatic Abscess. SHM Hospital Medicine Summit of the Rockies, January 2021
Robin SG, Echaniz M. Under the Necrosis, A Solid Clinical Diagnosis: A case of non-uremic calciphylaxis. Virtual SGIM New England & Mountain West Regional Conference, November 2020
Freddo A. Endocarditis caused by Candida parapsilosis presenting with severe thrombocytopenia in a patient with Tetralogy of Fallot. VIRTUAL 30th International Symposium on ACHD, October 2020
Rosenberg L, Beeson A. A Bone to Pick: A Case of Infantile Cortical Hyperostosis, AAP The National Conference & Exhibition Section on Pediatrics, October 2020
Reingold S. Cough, Cough: A Rare Case of Co-Existing Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis and Autoimmune Hepatitis in a Pediatric Patient. AAP The National Conference & Exhibition Section on Medicine-Pediatrics, October 2020
Kuusinen M. Aging Out - Quality Improvement in Transitions of Care for Adolescents Leaving the Foster Care System. AAP The National Conference & Exhibition Council on Foster Care, Adoption, and Kinship Care and The National Conference & Exhibition Section on Medicine-Pediatrics, October 2020
Canfield GS, Sarah Reingold, Andrea Ho, et al. AIDS-related Cryptococcus neoformans choroiditis. ID CASES, Volume 22, 2020, e00931, August 2020.
Scudder D.R, Sherry A.D, Jarretts R.T, et al. Fundamental Curriculum Change with 1-Year Pre-Clerkship Phase and Effect on Stress Associated with Residency Specialty Selection. Medical Science Educator. 2019.
Douglas CM, Frost HM. Testing and Positivity Rates for Gonorrhea and Chlamydia in a Large Federally Qualified Health Center System. Infectious Disease Society of America. October 2019, Washington, DC.
Gaensbauer J, Broadhurst R. Recent Innovations in Diagnosis and Treatment of Pediatric Tuberculosis. Current infectious Disease Reports. 21 (4), 2019. DOI
Gutierrez C, Frank A. Venci J. Colorado REACH (Research, Education and Advocacy in Community Health): A Novel Longitudinal Residency Curriculum. 2019 Seventh Annual Education Scholarship and Innovation Symposium, University of Colorado.
Schultz J, Floyd E, Gutierrez C, Manning W, Newton T., Venci J. Improving Latent Tuberculosis Screening in a combined Internal Medicine and Pediatrics residency outpatient clinic at Denver Health – A resident designed and implemented quality and improvement project.2018, Colorado ACP meeting, Denver CO.
Dutmer C, Gutierrez C, Hsieh E. Activated phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase delta syndrome 1 resulting from a novel PIK3CD mutation. 2019, Aspen Allergy Conference, Aspen, COSchultz J, Adam J,. Henao-Mart´ınez AF. A Deadly Wait for U.S. Health Insurance Coverage—Sitting on the Couch with Malaria. The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 99(1), 2018, pp. 24–26. 2018
Douglas CM, Hughes B. A Novel Case of an Expanding Airway Foreign Body. American Thoracic Society International Conference, 2018, San Diego, CA.
Kissler, MJ., Nussbaum, AM. Beyond the Oslerian Noble Calling: Emerging Paradigms for Medical Education. American Conference on Bioethics and Humanities, 2018, Anaheim, CA.
Kissler MJ, Douglass, SR. Medicine, Narrative, and Critique: A Novel Medical Humanities Curriculum for Pre Health Students. American Conference on Bioethics and Humanities, 2018, Anaheim, CA.
Kissler M, Frank A, Venci J. A Novel Medical Humanities Curriculum for Residents. Educational Scholarship and Innovation Symposium, University of Colorado School of Medicine, 2018, Denver, CO
Kissler M, Frank A, Venci J. A Novel Medical Humanities Curriculum for Residents. Western Group on Educational Affairs Regional Conference (WGEA), 2018, Denver, CO.
Manning WA, Cunningham M, Halper-stromberg A. Reversible Pulmonary Hypertension: A Surprising Case of Scurvy and its Complications. American College of Physicians Colorado Chapter Meeting, 2018, Colorado Springs, CO.
Kamins R, Frank A, Venci J. Establishing a Need for Global Health Training in Prospective and Current Internal Medicine Pediatric Residents at the University of Colorado. WGEA Conference, 2018, Denver, CO.
Schultz J, Floyd E, Gutierrez C, Manning W, Newton T, Frank A, Lessing A. Venci J. Improving Latent Tuberculosis Screening in a Combined Internal Medicine and Pediatrics Residency Outpatient Clinic at Denver Health. National Society of General Internal Medicine Conference, 2018, Denver, CO.
Schultz J, Floyd E, Gutierrez C, Manning W, Newton T, Frank A, Lessing A. Venci J. Improving Latent Tuberculosis Screening in a Combined Internal Medicine and Pediatrics Residency Outpatient Clinic at Denver Health. American College of Physicians, Denver Chapter, 2018, Denver, CO.
Filardo D, Le T, Limes J. Nearly Missing the Forest for the Trees: An Atypical Case of Hypoxia. SGIM Annual Meeting, Society of General Internal Medicine, 2018 Denver, CO.
Floyd, E, Frank A, Venci J. Promoting Resident Wellness in a Combined Internal Medicine-Pediatric Residency Program at the University of Colorado. Education Scholarship and Innovation Symposium, 2017, University of Colorado, Denver, CO.
Schultz J, Floyd E, Gutierrez C, Manning W, Newton T, Frank A, Lessing A. Venci J. Improving Latent Tuberculosis Screening in a Combined Internal Medicine and Pediatrics Residency Outpatient Clinic at Denver Health. American College of Physicians Colorado Chapter Meeting, February 9, 2017, Denver, CO.
Kamins R, Frank A, Venci J. Establishing a Need for Global Health Training in Prospective and Current Internal Medicine Pediatric Residents at the University of Colorado. Rocky Mountain Hospital Medicine Symposium, 2017, Denver, CO.
Manning WA. Acute Onset Neuropathic Pain with Associated Woody Edema: A Fascinating, Case of Eosinophilic Fasciitis. Society of General Internal Medicine Mountain West Regional Meeting, 2017, Denver, CO.
Graham J, McClure CM, Floyd E, Kalita K, et al. A Resident-Driven Effort to Identify Best Use of Tracheal Aspirates in Pediatrics. Poster session presented at: Pediatric Academic Societies; 2017 May 6 – 9; San Francisco, CA.
Kissler, MJ., Douglass, SR. Openings, Offerings, and the Happening of Truth: Workshop on Medical Education, Conference on Medicine and Religion, 2017, Houston, TX.
Breinauer, N, Bush, D., Stillwell, P., Carpenter, T. A case of pulmonary edema at moderate altitude: extending the spectrum of HAPE? International Thoracic Society Meeting, 2016, San Francisco, CA.
Kissler, MJ. Levinas’ “Glory” and the Clinical Encounter. Conference on Medicine and Religion, 2016 Houston, TX.
Kissler, MJ, Belani, H, Ryan, P. A Case of Transient Global Amnesia in the Hospital. American College of Physicians, Presbyterian St. Luke’s, 2016, Denver, CO.
Schultz J, Muema S, Ouma A, Cosmas L, Masyongo G, Bigogo G, Widdowson MA, Verani J. Timeliness of vaccination in an urban slum in Nairobi, Kenya. American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Annual Meeting; Nov 2016; Atlanta GA.
Schultz J, Frank D, Onyango C, McFarland E, Glenn-Fowler M, Elson C, Janoff E. Impact of maternal antibody on infant gut microbiome and seroreactivity in the first year of life in HIV-exposed but uninfected infants in Uganda. American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Annual Meeting, Nov 2016, Atlanta GA.