calendar Training Schedule and Rotations

4+4 Schedule

In July of 2019, we envisioned a new, 4+4 block schedule model. This structure allows for the traditional busy, inpatient, apprenticeship-based experiences to be alternated with in depth clinic experiences and electives. In our program, you’ll never have two, back-to-back busy inpatient admitting month. In this way, we allow residents to commit to robust inpatient rotations but then come up for air and focus on outpatient medicine, elective that are important to them along with scholarship, advocacy and other interests across all three years of training. Across all 36 months of your training, interns and residents will alternate between:

  • 4 weeks of an inpatient-based, traditional admitting rotation
    • Inpatient medicine at any of our three sites
    • ICU rotations
    • Subspecialty admitting months like cardiology, hepatology, etc.
  • 4 weeks of continuity clinic and ambulatory-based education or elective time
    • Back-to-back continuity weeks that allow you to develop relationships with patients and truly serve as their doctor
    • Two electives per year, even as an intern
    • Protected time for scholarship, quality training and projects, subspecialty outpatient education, educational half days, and even some personal time to use as you see fit

This schedule has many benefits and is grounded in adult education theory. First, it allows for a balanced education of both inpatient and ambulatory experiences. During clinic blocks, residents will also have protected time for research and scholarly activity, dedicated ambulatory curriculum, longitudinal subspecialty experiences, and quality improvement education and projects. Second, it minimizes conflicting inpatient and outpatient responsibilities. This allows residents to concentrate on one educational endeavor at a time which increases focus and retention and is more enjoyable than being pulled in multiple directions. We think this optimizes each learning experience – both in the outpatient and inpatient realms. We also believe this schedule enhances the continuity clinic experience by allowing for greater familiarization with the clinic setting, which becomes an educational home throughout residency and prepares one to be a great doctor in all the places medicine is practice, whether you subspecialize or not. 



First Year Rotations

Second Year Rotations

Third Year Rotations

Inpatient Based:

  • UCH Wards
  • DH Wards
  • VA Wards
  • ICU (DH or UCH)
  • Cardiology
  • Acute Care of the Elderly

Inpatient Based:

  • VA Wards
  • DH Wards
  • UCH Wards
  • Cardiology
  • VA Swing and Nights

Inpatient Based:

  • DH Wards
  • DH ICU
  • Acute Care of the Elderly
  • Heme/Onc
  • UCH Wards
  • VA Ambulatory Rotation

Ambulatory Based:

  • 3 Clinic Blocks
  • 1 Outpatient Based Rotation at the VA
  • 2 Electives

Ambulatory Based:

  • 3 Clinic Blocks
  • ED or Geriatrics
  • 2 Electives

Ambulatory Based:

  • 3 Clinic Blocks
  • ED or Geriatrics
  • 2 Electives


Department of Medicine (SOM)

CU Anschutz

Academic Office One

12631 East 17th Avenue


Aurora, CO 80045


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