Dr. Steven Ojemann completed the 10th Annual Stereotactic and Functional Hands on Course November 3-5, 2023
Residents and Faculty joined from across the US to participate in this event
Nov 3, 2023
This three-day course in early November was conducted by internationally known neurosurgery faculty who address a variety of neuromodulation and ablative techniques, stereotactic planning, and execution of stereotactic principles.
The hands-on workshop sessions included instruction on correctly attaching stereotactic devices to cadaveric heads and phantoms; correctly performing stereotactic targeting using available neuronavigation platforms; performing stereotactic radiosurgery for functional targets; and conducting radiofrequency and laser ablation of brain targets including pallidum and hippocampus. In addition, practitioners learn to identify standard targets in functional neurosurgery using state-of-the-art neurophysiological mapping and MRI-guided techniques. Practitioners learn and practice the use of 2D fluorography, CT scanning and MR imaging intraoperatively to verify electrode position after implantation of DBS electrodes.
Anyone interested in future offerings of this course, please contact Jenny Hasenbalg via email at Jennifer.hasenbalg@cuanschutz.edu.