Key areas of focus: craniosynostosis, prenatal mylomeningeocele
Dr. Wilkinson’s research interests include craniosynostosis, normal and abnormal development of the skull, moyamoya disease and syndrome, and spasticity. Current and recent projects include normal and premature fusion of calvarial sutures as seen on volume-rendered CT scan reconstructions, outcomes after sewing a pericranial flap to the dura during surgery for sagittal synostosis, outcomes of craniosynostosis surgery as seen on 3D photography, using axial magnetic resonance angiography images to assess revascularization after moyamoya surgery, using ambulatory oxygen consumption during gait studies to assess outcome after selective dorsal rhizotomy, and a review of outcomes after baclofen pump implantations at Children’s Colorado. He is also very interested in prenatal mylomeningocele closure and is coordinating Colorado participation in a multicenter study of using umbilical tissue to close mylomeningocele defects.
Cristin Welle, PhD, Associate Professor
BIOElectrics Lab
Sophie Eggert, MPH