BA/ BS - MD Program

September, 2011 - Ten Colorado high school students with hopes of entering medical school have been accepted into a new program in which they will attend the University of Colorado Denver’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.

Acceptance in the program enables students to earn a seat at the CU School of Medicine provided they meet specific academic, non-academic and professional requirements during their undergraduate years at CU Denver. 

The BA/BS - MD program reaches out to high school seniors from diverse backgrounds who are strong in the classroom and committed to their community. 

“Allowing Colorado students to chart a direct course to medical school when they enter UC Denver as undergraduates will ensure that our students have a chance to attend a top-notch school in their own backyards and the state of Colorado can receive the high quality, diverse medical workforce it so desperately needs,” said UC Denver Chancellor M. Roy Wilson, MD, MS. 

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