Research Highlights for the Advanced Imaging Lab

“Your work generated immediate impact and visibility, contributing significantly to the advancement of your field.” 

A quote from the announcement in Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Journal after the article Quantitative magnetic resonance imaging phantoms: A review and the need for a system phantom was published. The article by Dr. Barker and his colleagues was recognized as one of the journal’s top downloaded papers in 2017-2018.

Keenan KE, Ainslie M, Barker AJ, Boss MA, Cecil KM, Charles C, Chenevert TL, Clarke L, Evelhoch JL, Finn P, Gembris D, Gunter JL, Hill DLG, Jack CR, Jackson EF, Liu G, Russek SE, Sharma SD, Steckner M, Stupic KF, Trzasko JD, Yuan C, Zheng J. Quantitative magnetic resonance imaging phantoms: A review and the need for a system phantom. Magn Reson Med. 2018 Jan; 79(1):48-61. PMID: 29083101 

  • The Radiology Department in Children’s Hospital Colorado (CHCO) is currently leading and/or collaborating in the conduction of approximately 200 research protocols?! 
  • As of December 2019 the Children’s Radiology Department published 32 research articles?! 
  • A group of students from Lakewood High visited the Advanced Imaging Lab in November – there was great discussion during their Q&A session!

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Department of Radiology

CU Anschutz

Leprino Building

12401 East 17th Avenue

Aurora, CO 80045


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