Carol Rumack, MD, Professor of Radiology, Vice Chair of Professional Development, and Associate Dean for Graduate Medical Education, has been named a Distinguished Professor of the University of Colorado.
PJ Rochon, MD, an Associate Professor of Interventional Radiology, was recently named Physician of the Year during the University of Colorado Health’s Medical Staff Awards.
The University of Colorado Department of Radiology is thrilled to announce that Yubin Miao, PhD, Associate Professor of Radiology, was awarded his first R01 from the National Cancer Institute entitled “Novel Receptor-Targeting Peptides for Melanoma Therapy”.
Dr. Michael Cole was inducted into the University of Colorado chapter of the Gold Huanism Honor Society after being recognized by multiple peers as a physician who exemplifies and models compassionate and humanistic care.
Dr. Michael Regner, MD and Michael Cole, MD were elected to serve as Radiology representatives on the Housestaff Association Executive Committee for the 2016-2017 academic year. In addition, Dr. Regner was appointed as representative to the UCH Medical Board and School of Medicine Executive Committee. We appreciate their willingness and time to serve on these committees representing residents! Resident representation on these committees is very important and the experience will be highly valuable in their future careers.
Dr. Chapman has been selected to participate in the RSNA/AUR/ARRS Introduction to Academic Radiology Program. Specifically, he has been assigned to attend the American Roentgen Ray Society (ARRS) Program, which will be held during the ARRS Annual Meeting, April 30 – May 5, 2017 at the Hyatt Regency New Orleans in New Orleans, Louisiana.
A new study published online July 28 in Radiology has disturbing news about gadolinium contrast retention. Colorado researchers found that pediatric patients given a linear gadolinium-based contrast agent had increased MR signal intensity in a certain region of the brain. Also read interview with Dr. Flood via Aunt Minnie.
For the first time, University of Colorado Hospital has been named to the Honor Roll, a list of the nation’s top 20 hospitals. In addition, UCH is recognized as the #1 hospital in our state, with 10 nationally ranked specialties
In the five years since the University of Colorado (CU) first developed its radiology resident iPad toolbox, the use of mobile devices in resident education has steadily increased at the university and other institutions across the country.
Dr. Michael Regner is participating in our Radiology Residency / Bioengineering PhD Program. He was recently selected for the prestigious ABR Holman Research Pathway, which simultaneously trains the resident in diagnostic radiology and in basic science, clinical, or translational investigation.