Facial Nerve Center

Facial Nerve PhotoThe Facial Nerve Clinic is staffed with a highly skilled, experienced, multidisciplinary team dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of facial nerve disorders. Our team of specialized otolaryngologists (head and neck surgeons), ophthamologists, neurotologists, and physical therapists work closely together, offering a complete range of therapies and advanced surgical techniques.


Facial nerve disorders can cause weakness, paralysis, involuntary movement or drooping of the facial muscles. These symptoms usually present on just one side of the face and can appear suddenly or happen gradually over time. These symptoms can have an impact on a person's quality of life, affecting the appearance of the eyes, smile and speach, but can also cause physical discomfort.


There are many possible causes for facial paralysis. Some of the more common causes are:

  • Bell’s Palsy – a nerve disorder that causes (usually) temporary paralysis
  • Tumor or cancer requiring surgical removal of a piece of the facial nerve
  • Stroke
  • An error in fetal development or trauma during birth
  • Accidental trauma to the nerve during a car accident or fall
  • Autoimmune diseases, such as Wegener's disease
  • Neurologic diseases, including multiple sclerosis
  • Other infections, including Lyme disease or shingles of the face
  • Chronic ear problems, such as cholesteatoma

Problems Caused by Facial Paralysis

  • Difficulty closing the eye with drying and possible vision loss
  • Nasal blockage
  • Difficulty keeping liquids in the mouth
  • A change in physical appearance
  • A change in the ability to express emotion

Services Included

  • Comprehensive evaluation of the facial nerve, from skull base to facial musculature 
  • Surgical rehabilitation of the eye 
    • Canthoplasty
    • Gold or platinum weight 
    • Browlifting
  • Surgical rehabilitation of the mid- and lower-face 
    • Midface lifting 
    • Minimally invasive cheek slings
    • Traditional static slings 
    • Dynamic muscular facial slings


Stephen Cass, MD
Samuel Gubbels, MD
Adam Terella, MD
Andrew Winkler, MD

To place a referral, please call 720-848-2820 or email facialnervecenter@cuanschutz.edu

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