Osseo 2023 Logo

September 6th-9th, 2023 | Denver, Colorado, USA

The International Congress on Bone Conduction and Hearing and Related Technologies (OSSEO) has long served as a platform for a diverse group of researchers spanning the clinical and biomedical sciences to exchange ideas and share research outcomes.

OSSEO 2023 will provide a forum for clinical and scientific experts from around the world to present their most recent research and clinical experiences relating to bone conduction hearing and related technologies. The conference invites hearing scientists, audiologists, otolaryngologists, biomedical engineers, and industry to meet and share the cutting-edge developments that define the current state of the art in bone conduction hearing.

A Message from the Conference President

On behalf of the planning committee, I am delighted to announce the 8th International Congress on Bone Conduction Hearing and Related Technologies (OSSEO) will be held in the beautiful city of Denver, Colorado, US. We have an exciting program planned that will allow participants to share recent accomplishments, renew friendships, extend networks, and explore current and future research and clinical directions. I hope that you will have a productive and fun experience at this premiere conference!

Stephen Cass, MD, MPH/MSPH

Professor, Otolaryngology – University of Colorado School of Medicine

Please join us Friday, September 8th for a Boots & Bling Banquet at the Denver Art Museum!

*Country-Western attire encouraged*

Participants will be chartered from the Hyatt to the Denver Art Museum Grand Sturm Pavilion, where they'll enjoy panoramic views of downtown Denver, a private gallery tour, hosted bar, seated dinner, networking and more. We encourage participation and look forward to celebrating OSSEO 2023 with those who can attend! Tickets are available for purchase at registration.

Continuing Education Units (CEUs)

Continuing Education Units will be offered through the American Academy of Audiology (AAA), American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), and MedTech Europe.

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
MedTech Europe
AAA block
AAA block
American Academy of Audiology


Carey Burgess, CME & Events Coordinator | Department of Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery

E: carey.burgess@cuanschutz.edu | P: 303.724.1957

Academic Office 1, Room 3001B, 12631 E. 17th Ave. B205, Aurora, CO 80045

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