Emily Bacalao, MD


Oak Park, IL 

Favorite things to do in the Denver area: City park golf course/driving range, hunting for a good cocktail bar, doing random hikes then getting heinously lost and turning 5 mile hikes into 8 mile hikes, exploring the restaurant scene, finding the best breweries (cerebral is my favorite so far), extremely excited for ski season

Hobbies: Eating, breweries, hiking, snowboarding, golf, Chicago sports fan (especially Bears and Northwestern football despite both of them being terrible most of the time), live music (indie, folk, jazz, classical), saying hi to all of the dogs, peloton enthusiast, eating chocolate, television in general 

Biggest strength of the program: So many research opportunities, awesome resources i.e. the clinical resource lab, great exposure to all of the subspecialties, excellent faculty, ski meeting, co residents hands down 

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