Neurology Clinical Practice

Welcome to the Department of Neurology

Our specialty-trained physicians treat a number of neurological disorders. Please click on a term for appointment info.


Acoustic SchwannomaDown SyndromeMOG antibody disease (MOGAD)Pseudoseizures
Advance Care PlanningDystoniaMotor Neuron DiseasePseudotumor Cerebri
Alzheimer's DiseaseEncephalitisMuscle/Nerve PathologyPsychogenic Non-epileptic Events
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)EpendymomaMuscular DystrophyPsychogenic Seizures
AneurysmEpilepsyMyasthenia GravisPupil Abnormalities
Arteriovenous Malformation (AVM)Epileptic SeizuresMyoclonusQuality of Life
AstrocytomaErdheim-Chester DiseaseMyopathyRadiation Necrosis
AtaxiaFace Pain NarcolepsyRestless Leg Syndrome
Brain CancerFitsNeurofibromatosis 1 & 2Restless Leg Syndrome
Brain InjuryFNDNeurologic Complications of CancerSeizures
Brain TumorsFrontotemporal Dementia (FTD)Neurological Conditions-DiagnosisSleep Apnea
Burning Mouth SyndromeFunctional neurological symptom disorder, seizuresNeuromyelitis Optica (NMO)Somatoform Disorder
CADASIL SyndromeFunctional SeizuresNeuropathySpinal Cord Tumors
Care GoalsGangliogliomaNeurosarcoidosisSpinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA)
Care TransitionGenetic Muscle and Nerve DiseaseNeuro-Vascular DisordersSpiritual Support
Caregiver ResourcesGlioblastomaNew Daily Persistent Headache Stroke
Carotid Artery DiseaseGliosarcomaNon-Electrical SeizuresSubependymal Giant Cell Astrocytoma
Cerebro-Spinal Fluid LeakGrand MalNon-Epileptic SeizuresSUSAC Syndrome
Cervicogenic Headache Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS)NystagmusTension-type Headache 
Charcot Marie Tooth Disease (CMT)Head InjuryOcular Myasthenia GravisTics
Chemotherapy Induced NeurotoxicityHeadache Attributed to Infection OligodendrogliomaTourette's Syndrome
ChoreaHistiocytic DisordersOptic Nerve DisordersTransient Ischemic Attack (TIA)
Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP)Huntington's DiseaseParaneoplastic DisordersTransverse Myelitis
Chronic MigraineInfections of the Nervous SystemParaneoplastic Neurological DisordersTraumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
CLIPPERS SyndromeInsomniaParasomniaTremor
Cluster Headache Ischemic StrokeParkinson’s Disease DementiaTrigeminal Neuralgia 
CNS VasculitisLanguage DisordersParkinson's DiseaseTuberous Sclerosis
Cognitive ChangesLewy Body DementiaPetit MalVascular Dementia
Conversion DisorderMedical Symptom ManagementPilocytic AstrocytomaVascular Malformations
ConvulsionMedication Overuse Headache/Rebound Headache Pleiomorphic XanthoastrocytomaVision Loss
DementiaMemory LossPlexiform NeurofibromaVisual Disturbances
Dementia with Lewy BodiesMeningitisPNESVisual Field Loss
Dissociative AttacksMigraine with AuraPosterior Cortical AtrophyVisual Hallucinations
Dissociative SeizuresMigraine without AuraPosttraumatic Headache/Concussion 
Double VisionMild Cognitive ImpairmentPrimary Central Nervous System Lymphoma (PCNSL) 

Please click the link for our Neurology Intake Form


Please FAX patient info to the University of Colorado Hospital Neurology Clinic:

Referrals Fax:                720-848-0015

Medical Records Fax:    720-848-5551

Prescription Fax:            720-848-0117


From I-25 & I-70 Denver

Take I-70 east to I-225. Take I-225 south to Colfax Avenue. Take Colfax Avenue west to Ursula Street. Take Ursula Street north (right) to the first complex on the left. Follow signs for parking.

From downtown Denver

Take Colfax Avenue east to Ursula Street (next light east of Peoria.) Take Ursula Street north (left) to the first complex on the left. Follow signs for parking.

From DIA

Take Pena Boulevard south to I-70. Take the immediate exit to I-225. Take I-225 south to Colfax Avenue. Take Colfax Avenue west to Ursula Street. Take Ursula Street north (right) to the first complex on the left. Follow signs for parking.

From Colorado Springs

Take I-25 north to I-225 north to Colfax Avenue. Take Colfax Avenue west (left) to Ursula Street. Take Ursula Street north (right) to the first complex on the left. Follow signs for parking.





Free parking for patients is available in lots located in front of the Anschutz Center. Complimentary valet parking is also available at the front entrance of the Anschutz Outpatient Pavilion.



RTD (Regional Transportation District) serves the Metro Denver area. For route and fare information, visit





Neurology Clinic

Anschutz Outpatient Pavilion

University of Colorado Hospital

R1635 Aurora Court

Aurora, CO 80045

(720) 848-2080

Gifts to the Department of Neurology enable our multiple specialty areas to excel in our commitment to improve patient treatment and care, engage in cutting-edge research, and train the next generation of neurologists.

To provide support for the Neurology Department at the University of Colorado, please visit this link:

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