If you think you may be eligible for one of these studies or if you would like more information, please fill out our Neurology Research Interest Web Form or contact us at NeuroResearch@CUAnschutz.edu or 303-724-4644.
The mission of the Northeast Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Consortium® (NEALS) is to rapidly translate scientific advances into clinical research and new treatments for people with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and motor neuron disease.
Founded by ALS patient Brian Wallach and his wife, Sandra Abrevaya, I AM ALS is revolutionizing how we cure ALS by empowering and mobilizing patients, engaging with policy-makers and offering vital resources for people impacted by ALS.
Our mission is to discover treatments and a cure for ALS, and to serve, advocate for, and empower people affected by ALS to live their lives to the fullest.
ALS United Rocky Mountain symbolizes the hopes of people everywhere that Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis will one day be a disease of the past, conquered by the dedication of thousands who have worked ceaselessly to understand and eradicate this perplexing killer. Until that day comes, ALS United Rocky Mountain relentlessly pursues its mission to help people living with ALS and to leave no stone unturned in the search for a cure for this progressive neurodegenerative disease.
The Inherited Neuropathy Consortium (INC) is an integrated group of academic medical centers, patient support organizations, and clinical research resources dedicated to conducting clinical research in different forms of CMT and improving the care of patients.
The FSHD Society has transformed the landscape for FSHD research, and is committed to making sure that no one faces this disease alone.
Families are at the heart of MDA's mission. A caring and concerned group of families started MDA in 1950, and we continue to relentlessly pursue our promise to transform the lives of people living with muscular dystrophy, ALS and related neuromuscular diseases, through research, care and advocacy.