Behavioral Neurology

Department of Neurology Clinical Practice

Thank you for your interest in the University of Colorado Neuro-Behavior and Memory Disorders Clinics, part of the University of Colorado Alzheimer's and Cognition Center. We strive to provide the best diagnosis and treatment for memory problems and dementia in adults with Alzheimer's disease, Down syndrome, traumatic brain injury, and other neurological problems.


We also provide the potential opportunity to participate in clinical research trials, which enhance knowledge of disease processes and improve diagnosis and treatment.



To make an appointment:

  1. Have your referring physician complete the referral intake form and FAX it and your medical records and insurance information to (720) 848-0015.
  2. Please allow 2 business days for processing of your paperwork. Then CALL (720) 848-2080 to schedule your appointment.
  3. Be sure to BRING discs with images of MRI/CT scans, as well as copies of lab results and pertinent medical records in person with you to your appointment. 

We accept all PPO/HMO/POS plans. Please call your insurance carrier to verify benefits and coverage at University of Colorado Hospital.

UCHealth Central Park Medical Center | 3055 Roslyn Street | Denver, CO 80238
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