Neuro-Muscular Medicine

Department of Neurology Clinical Practice

The Neuromuscular Clinic at the University of Colorado Hospital continues to serve as a regional referral center for the eleven-state area, with 1200 new patients and 2100 follow-up visits annually. The clinic and neuromuscular program are directed by our Interim Section Head   Dianna Quan, MD, director of the Electrodiagnostic laboratory, Vera Fridman, MDStacy Dixon, MD, PhD, Laura A. Foster, MD,  Thomas Ragole, MD, Varun Sreenivasan, MD, Debra O’Reilly, PA,  Nicole Brock, NP and a neuromuscular fellow. The clinic has a close working relationship with the neuromuscular clinic at Children’s Hospital Colorado, so that children with chronic neuromuscular conditions can successfully transition to adult care.

We interpret 180 muscle/nerve biopsies, perform 250 muscle and skin biopsies and conduct 1250 electrodiagnostic (EMG/NCVs) studies, annually. Our multidisciplinary clinic for ALS and other neuromuscular disorders includes physical, occupational and speech therapy, a dietitian, a social worker, an orthotist, a durable medical equipment vendor and research coordinators. The clinic is sponsored by the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) and the Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Association (ALSA). Patients are discussed in a weekly staff meeting.

The Neuromuscular program and research center have been in existence for more than 50 years and have made major educational and research contributions in a variety of diagnostic and therapeutic areas. We founded the Western ALS (WALS) Study group and continue to participate in multi-university trials with this consortium, as well as with the NEALS consortium. We participate in various national and international research consortia and have been recognized by the following organizations: ALS Association Care Center, Charcot Marie Tooth (CMT) Association Center of Excellence, Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America 'Partner in Care', Inherited Neuropathies Consortium member, Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy (FSHD) Clinical Trials Research Network member & center for research excellence, Myotonic Dystrophy Research Network member, GRASP-Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy (LGMD) research consortium member, RYR1 Foundation 'Expert in Care' site. We are also a part of the DMD Center of Excellence at Children's Hospital Colorado and a member of the TREAT-NMD Alliance Neuromuscular Network.

Dr. Quan is director of the neuromuscular fellowship program, and interim director of the muscle pathology fellowship programs. Our neuromuscular fellowship program is ACGME approved and includes rotations at University of Colorado Health and Children’s Hospital Colorado. The muscle pathology fellowship program is UCNS accredited. Fellows are required to complete a performance improvement project and are given the opportunity to participate in clinical research. Over the years, some have conducted independent research in a second year of fellowship and are now academic physicians at other universities. Our pediatric and adult neuromuscular faculty physicians attend a monthly neuromuscular research conference and are integrated into all of the educational programs of the Department of Neurology.


To make an appointment:

  1. Have your referring physician complete the referral intake form and FAX it and your medical records and insurance information to (720) 848-0015.
  2. Please allow 2 business days for processing of your paperwork. Then CALL (720) 848-2080 to schedule your appointment.
  3. Be sure to BRING discs with images of MRI/CT scans, as well as copies of lab results and pertinent medical records in person with you to your appointment. 

We accept all PPO/HMO/POS plans. Please call your insurance carrier to verify benefits and coverage at University of Colorado Hospital.

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