Neurology Residency Program


Welcome to the University of Colorado Neurology Residency Program! Our unique academic program provides innovative educational experiences driven by a diverse patient population and balanced by opportunities to develop a well-rounded and balanced lifestyle. We pride ourselves on training the next generation of skilled Neurologists with the tools to develop their careers in any way they choose.


At the University of Colorado, clinical experience is robust.  With a balance of inpatient and outpatient training, there is ample exposure to both general neurology and every subspecialty in the field. Comprehensive sub-specialty training in all areas of neurology are offered including: Behavioral Neurology, Movement Disorders, Neuromuscular Disorders, Multiple Sclerosis and Neuro-immunology, Epilepsy, Sleep disorders, Stroke, Neuro-Critical Care, Neuro-ophthalmology, Neuro-otology, Neuro-infectious Disease, Neuro-Oncology, Headache and Pain Medicine, Traumatic Brain Injury and Neuro-Palliative Care.


We offer training at four major academic medical centers including the University of Colorado Hospital, Veteran’s Affairs Medical Center, Denver Health Medical Center, and Children’s Hospital Colorado. These opportunities create exposure to diverse patient populations while allowing our residents to care for complex neurologic conditions. Affiliated training programs in Child Neurology, Neurosurgery, Neuroradiology, Neurorehabilitation, Psychiatry, and Internal Medicine are among the best in the country and significantly contribute to our residents' education. To round out the educational experience, residents engage in robust clinical research, quality improvement activities and medical education projects and opportunities.


We strongly believe that well-rounded residents must cultivate healthy lives outside of the hospital; this makes for better physicians and colleagues. Our program encourages wellness and resiliency through formal and informal activities. Both department sponsored and informal social activities occur regularly. Regular sessions for wellness and development of resiliency skills are also given. Enhanced by the opportunity to live and play in picturesque surroundings, Denver is a vibrant metropolitan community with vast cultural attractions. The beauty of the Rocky Mountains is easily accessible, and the climate of Colorado is incomparable.


At the University of Colorado education is at the forefront of our mission. We are passionate about teaching, patient care and research and pride ourselves on our outstanding residents, the amazing care they provide to our patients and their ultimate contributions to the field of Neurology. The University of Colorado is an outstanding place to train. We hope you will visit to see why. We look forward to welcoming you.



Douglas E. Ney, MD

Neurology Residency Program Director

Matthews Elizabeth

Dr. Elizabeth Matthews

Associate Program Director

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Dr. Setareh Omran

Associate Program Director


Dr. Robert Pratt

Associate Program Director


Matthew S. West, MD

Associate Program Director


Dr. Elizabeth Breitbach, MD

Associate Program Director, Internal Medicine



Hannah R. Daniels, BS

Education Manager, Department of Neurology

*For all training verification please email:


Katelynn Jennings, BA

Neurology Residency Program Coordinator

*For all training verification please email:

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