Endocrine Grand Rounds

Fall 2024 - Spring 2025

This talk series is a highlight of the educational mission of our division. It is scheduled from September through June of every academic year and is held from 8–9 am on Wednesday mornings on the Anschutz Medical Campus in the Hensel Phelps West Auditorium of Research Complex-1 North, Room P18-1006. Current concepts and controversies in all areas of clinical and translational Endocrinology are presented, often in the context of a case presentation.   

These talks are given by our division faculty and fellows, in addition to faculty from other divisions both within and outside the Department of Medicine as well as visiting Professors from other institutions. The Fundamentals and What’s New Series has been incorporated into Endocrinology Grand Rounds starting in 2009.   

Each major subspecialty area of Endocrinology is covered across a 2-year cycle in a series of talks that includes basic concepts, pathophysiology, and highlights of recent advances in translational research and clinical care of the particular endocrine system being presented.

If you would like to have a live stream of Endocrine Grand Rounds, please contact Bev McLaughlin via email: Bev.McLaughlin@cuanschutz.edu




In person - RC1 North, Room P18-1006 (Hensel Phelps West Auditorium)


Wednesdays, 8:00AM - 9:00AM


 9/04/2024Dr. Whitney GoldnerCU - Endocrinology“Environmental Exposures and Thyroid Diseases” Hensel Phelps Auditorium West 
 9/11/2024Dr Sophia AmbrusoCU -NephrologyAdvances in GDMT in Chronic Kidney Disease 

Dr Danielle Dawes

Dr Michaela Barbera

CU - EndocrinologyDawes: The unhappy Thyroid Patient              Barbera: Autoimmune hypertryclyceridemia 
 9/25/2024.Dr Lauren FishbeinCU - eEndocrinology Pheochomocytoma and Paraganglioma 101 
 10/02/2024Dr David SaxonCU - Endocrinology

“Advanced Clinical Cases in Lipidology”

 10/09/2024Dr Salwa ZahalkaCU - Endocrinology

Diabetes Technology - What's New and What's on the Horizon

 10/16/2024Dr Casey GreenCU - Biomedical        InformaticsIs it possible to send a one-drive link closer to the date? 

Dr Eugene Looi

Dr Alexander Sawyer

CU - Endocrinology

Looi - Let Food be Thy Medicine

Sawyer - A Rare Cause of Short Stature and it's Endocrinologic Implications

 10/30/2024Dr Shanlee DavisCU Peds Endocrinology

“Decentralizing the Testosterone Focus in Klinefelter Syndrome”

 11/06/2024Dr Sean IwamotoCU - EndocrinologyUpdates in gender-affirming hormone therapy: inspired by your patients and questions 

Dr Maria Paula Reyes Ramirez

Dr Joanne Lin

CU EndocrinologyReyes-Ramirez - 

Nuances in the management of Thyroid Storm

Lin - A case of Amiodarone Induced Thyrotoxicosis


Dr Dawes &

Dr Barbera

M & M

CU Endocrinology“Pitfalls of the 72 Hour Fast 
 12/11/2024Dr Vivian Weiss MD, PhDVanderbuilt UniversityBiologic and Sociodemographic Factors in Thyroid Cancer Healthcare Disparity 



1/01/2025WINTER BREAK   

 Dr Pranitha Chekka



Dr Iryna Thomas

CU Endocrinology

A Rapid Progressive Case of Ectopic ACTH Syndrome

Acromegaly and Cardiovascular Health


 1/15/2025 Dr Micol Rothman & Dr David SaxonCU Endocrinology

Innovations in Endocrinology Education: Lessons from the ECHO Model

1/22/2025Dr. Maggie WiermanCU EndocrinologyCongenital Adrenal Hyperplasia: Care Across the Lifespan” 
1/29/2025Fellows: Clare Parker and Ryan ConardCU Endocrinology

Bending the Bones of Hypocalcemia

A Case of Severe Encephalopathy and Pseudohypoparathyroidism

2/5/2025Dr. Katja Kiseljak-VassiladesCU Endocrinology “Adrenocortical Carcinoma: Approach to an Orphan Malignancy” 
2/12/2025Dr. John Michael Taormina

Department of Family MedicineCU Anschutz Weight Management and Wellness Clinic  UCHealth Integrated Transgender Program

Current and Future Directions for Second-Generation Anti-Obesity Medications in Adults Without Diabetes 
2/19/2025Fellows: Pranitha Chekka and Joanne LinCU EndocrinologyChekka: 

IGF-2-Mediated Hypoglycemia in a Patient with Newly Diagnosed Metastatic Sarcoma: A Rare Paraneoplastic Syndrome

Lin: Thyroid Replacement Therapies

2/26/2025Lynn Barbuor MD CU Endocrinology"Contentious Topics in Diabetes and Thyroid Disease in Pregnancy."  
3/5/2025Dr. Lisa ChowUniversity of MinnesotaThe Glucose Games: The Potential Role for Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Type 2 Diabetes 
3/12/2025M&M: Eugene Looi and MP Reyes RamirezCU EndocrinologyEndocrine Collaborative Case Review  
3/19/2025Fellows: Iryna Thomas and Ryan ConardCU Endocrinology

Thomas : A"drenal Hemorrage"

Conard "A case of Pseudohyperaldosteronism"

3/26/2025Special Seminar:     Dr. Boris Draznin CU Endocrinology “Basic Science Insight into insulin Secretion, Insulin Action, and Modulation of Metabolism.” 
4/02/2025Dr. Cecilia Low WangCU Endocrinology  
4/09/2025Fellows: Monique Maher and Joanne LinCU Endocrinology  
4/16/2025Dr. Erin FinnCU Endocrinology  
4/23/2025Fellows: Pranitha Chekka and Erin BewleyCU Endocrinology  
4/30/2025Dr. Marcus GoncalvesNYU Langone HealthNutrient Uptake and Metabolism during Weight Loss” 
5/07/2025Fellows: Hillary Connell and Ryan ConardCU Endocrinology  
5/14/2025Dr. Sridharan Raghavan   
5/21/2025Endocrine Jeopardy: Drs. Eugene Looi, Maria Paula Reyes Ramirez and Michaela BarberaCU Endocrinology  
5/28/2025Obesity/repro endo fellows: Gilbert Herbert and Laura ZallesCU Endocrinology  
6/04/2025Ridgway Visiting Prof: Dr. Jacqueline JonklaasGeorgetown  
6/11/2025QI projects - 2nd year fellows: Danielle Dawes and Michaela BarberaCU Endocrinology  
6/18/2025QI projects - 2nd year fellows: Eugene Looi and MP Reyes RamirezCU Endocrinology  


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