Didactics and Clinical Conferences

  • Didactics include formal teaching sessions as well as informal clinic/bedside teaching, weekly case conferences, a monthly Diabetes Clinical Conference, and relevant Endocrinology and Medical Grand Rounds.
  • Fellows are expected to present a case discussion at the Endocrinology Grand Rounds and participate actively in diabetes conferences.
  • The scholarly activity is a diabetes-related quality improvement or clinical research project, and fellows present findings toward the end of the fellowship year.
  • Attendance at the Practical Ways to Achieve Targets in Diabetes Care (ATDC) conference in July (start of fellowship year) and the American Diabetes Association (ADA) Scientific Sessions in June (end of fellowship year) is expected.
Practical Ways to Achieve Targets in Diabetes Care (ATDC) conference faculty speakers 2016 (Keystone, CO)
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