current residents, we offer small-group coaching connecting residents
with faculty members outside the residency program who can help navigate
academic, clinical and cultural concerns, and links residents with
community partners that deliver healthcare to under-served populations.
This coaching is led by our Diversity Ambassadors, who are trained to lead meaningful conversations around issues of bias, equity, social justice, and inclusion.
In 2017, we will also pilot a coaching program for our fellows.
attending physicians, along with other faculty in the Department of
Medicine, are receiving training to help increase awareness of the
effects of unconscious bias. We are also working with University of
Colorado Hospital and our affiliate clinical sites to develop best
practices for addressing issues of bias within the clinical setting.
are launching a Health Equities pathway, designed to provide targeted
training to students who aspire to careers addressing issues of health
disparities and community/public health.
Other campus resources for residents, fellows and postdocs: