Educational Funds 23-24

Educational funds become available in late September early October each year. 
This section will be updated once we receive approval.

For now, keep a copy of all receipts, a bank statement is typically not enough, you must get an itemized receipt from the vendor. 
Also as you make your purchases, keep in mind the timeline of the approval to our program. It is important to note that any purchase older than 90 days is subject to taxable income. 

Funds CAN be used for the following:
-          MKSAP, other similar board review materials, textbooks, study aids
-          Educational organization membership dues, i.e., American College of Physicians or a subspecialty society
-          Travel expenses while at educational conferences (registration, per diem, hotel, flights)
-          Medical equipment (ex: stethoscopes)
-          Bibliography/citation reference manager software (ex: EndNote, Biblioscape, Reference Manager, etc.)
Funds CANNOT be used for:
-          Hardware purchases
-          To help defray the cost of any TEST or REGISTRATION COSTS
-          To obtain test results
-          Tablets (iPads, Android-based, etc.)
-          Cellphones/PDA’s
-          Computer Software
-          Uniforms/Clothing
-          Food


Conference Funding 23-24

If you are invited to speak at a conference this academic year there is money available to help with travel. As a reminder, the travel stipend is $1500 over the course of residency. We do also encourage you to first start by seeing if there is funding available with the department your research is through

  • Email Jefferson Velasco and Nicole Canterbury Passoth that you’ve been invited to present
  • Fill out the form below and submit it to me with the invitation to present
  • Optional – fill out your travel profile on CONCUR through the employee portal.
    • You can fill out your TSA pre check info here
    • You can enter any frequent flyer programs 
    • You can browse and get an idea of airfares (it does count towards the stipend)
    • You must email Jefferson to book through CONCUR once you've selected your flights. This needs to be tracked and a specific payment must be used by the department. IMPORTANT: Any travel booked outside of this may not be eligible for reimbursement by the program
    • You will receive a per diem amount reimbursable per day that is dependent on location
    • Travel and have fun
    • Upload receipts into one email and send to Jefferson
    • You will receive an email when the expense report is ready. 
    • Log into CONCUR, submit with Jennifer Weber as the approver

    23-24 AY Request for Travel Funds to Present Research

  • Department of Medicine (SOM)

    CU Anschutz

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