Mile High Summer Camp

We had a wonderful Mile High Summer Camp in 2024! Our older campers participated in a fun leadership adventure followed by a week at Rocky Mountain Village in Empire, CO. Our HTC staff and camp team members enjoyed a very fun week, and are grateful for all who participated and helped our campers have a great time. See a few pictures from our 2024 camp in the gallery below, as well as pictures from 2022 and 2023.

More information on camp, and future details on camp next year can be found at

Mile High Summer Camp

The Hemophilia and Thrombosis Center at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus (HTC) is a partner with the Colorado National Bleeding Disorders Foundation supporting the Colorado ​Mile High Camp program​. This week-long camp is designed for children ages 7-17 who are affected by bleeding disorders and their siblings.

Camp 2024 Day 1 Infusions 6Campers are able to connect with others in Colorado, Wyoming or Montana who may be experiencing some of the same issues they and their families are going through. Campers can enjoy a wide variety of activities including archery, swimming, hiking, horseback riding, fishing, mountain biking, a ropes course, rock wall and zip line. All activities are geared to each age group and supervised by trained and caring counselors. 

All facilities and trails are safe and accessible for all ages and levels of fitness and the amenities provide a safe and Camp 2024 Infusion Ed 7comfortable atmosphere for learning and fun. In addition, campers can learn to perform self-infusion, experience teamwork and find new skills.                                                                                                                                                                                            Mile High Camp is held at the Easter Seals, Rocky Mountain Village just 42 miles west of Denver near Idaho Springs.  The on-site staff from Rocky Mountain Village as well as the HTC clinical staff and the camp director from the NBDF Colorado strive for camp to be a positive and fun experience that creates bonds with new friends and provides patients and families with education and skills to manage their disorder.  There are different activities and classes for the school age, middle school and high school campers that challenge them with new experiences and helps them develop new skills.                                                                                                                                     

The HTC has spent the past few years transitioning the organizational portion of camp to NBDF Colorado but the HTC staff remains committed to supporting the program through both funding and providing clinical care, training and personnel. For more information on this wonderful program, please visit the NBD​F Colorado’s Camp FAQ page.  

Camp 2024 Swim 1

Leadership Training at Mile High Camp 

Camp 2024 TL Group 3As part of the Mile High Summer Camp program, teens affected by bleeding disorders can take part in the “Teen Leadership” weekend. 

This program offers teens 14-17 that are entering or are currently enrolled in high school the chance to improve leadership skills, build relationships and provide peer mentoring to younger campers at our Mile High Camp. To learn more about this opportunity, please visit the NBDF Colorado website​.


Pictures from 2024 Mile High Summer Camp!

To view individual pictures at larger size click on thumbnail.

Pictures from 2023 Mile High Summer Camp!

Image taken on Aug 21, 2023, 16:46 by Merilee Ashton
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Pictures from 2022 Mile High Summer Camp!

To view individual pictures at larger size click on thumbnail.

Scrapes and Smiles
Ahead of her time

“I love camp because there are no bullies.”   -camper age 12

“I’d never dance like that at school.  At camp I can do anything.”   -camper age 15

“I sent a boy to camp and he came back a young man!”  -16 year old camper’s Aunt

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