Bleeding Disorder Resources

Helpful Resources for Patients and Families with Bleeding Disorders

Educational Videos About Hemophilia: 

These videos, created by the Centers for Disease Control, can help patients and families answer questions on how to talk with friends about hemophilia and learn to manage their disorder while still being an active kid.

Starting the Conversation

A video by the CDC about Hemophilia

Starting the Conversation

Playing it Safe

A video by the CDC about Hemophilia

Playing it Safe

There are many resources for patients and families who are living with bleeding disorders. The links below are local, national and international organizations with opportunities and education to manage and treat bleeding disorders.

Our local chapter works closely with our center to serve affected families in Colorado, parts of Montana and Wyoming to provide education, financial assistance, youth and community activities. They are actively involved in connecting families who have similar struggles together and strengthening them through learning and friendships.

The Rocky Mountain Hemophilia and Bleeding Disorders Association

Our center serves patients mostly from Colorado but we do have patients who live in Wyoming and Montana. The RMHBDA is a non-profit that is there to support patients and families with bleeding disorders who live in the Wyoming and Montana areas.  Our center often works in conjunction with the RMHBDA with regional education and activities for patients and families.

The National Hemophilia Foundation

The local chapter works under the National Hemophilia Foundation which organizes national events, focuses on education, research to find better treatments and cures, and advocates nationally on behalf of patients and families with bleeding disorders.

World Federation of Hemophilia

This international non-profit organization is dedicated to introducing, improving and maintaining care for patients with hemophilia and bleeding disorders around the world. 

The Coalition for Hemophilia B

This group works to provide information about treatment options for patients with hemophilia B. They offer programs, education and support dedicated to improving the quality of life for people with hemophilia.

The Hep C Connection

This local organization was started in 1995 to assist those who are living with Hepatitis C and the problems that can arise.  Some patients with bleeding disorders are at risk or may already have contracted Hepatitis C and can benefit from the resources available through the Hep C Connection. 

Colorado AIDS Project (CAP)

This organization is the oldest and largest non-profit , community-based HIV and AIDS service and education agency in Colorado.  They have regional offices throughout the state to serve patients and families living with HIV or AIDS, providing resources, services, education and funding.

The Advisory Committee on Blood and Tissue Safety and Availability

This is a specialized committee of medical professionals under the United States Department of Health and Human Services. This National board provides advice to the Secretary and Assistant Secretary for Heath in the US. They advise on public policy for the safety and availability of blood products, ethical and legal issues related to transfusion and transplants, and the implications for safety and availability of these products.
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