Bleeding Disorders

At the HTC our top priority is to help patients understand that their condition is treatable and manageable as researchers around the world work towards finding a cure.

Our center provides support and treatment for those with bleeding disorders including hemophilia, von Willebrand disease, and other disorders related to missing factor that disables clotting in the blood. Our HTC has experts who study and research these conditions and are regularly finding new methods to provide better care and quality of life for patients who face the challenges related to bleeding disorders.

Depending on the severity and diagnosis of each patient, our medical team will work with patients to find the best medications, therapies and support to live a healthy and active life. Our staff are experts in helping patients and their families understand their diagnosis, how to treat it, and sharing resources that can provide support. Above all we want you to know that we are here to help!

For more information on the resources available for bleeding disorders, click here.

We have three main types of clinics to provide care for those with bleeding disorders. To learn more about our Comprehensive Clinics, Clinics for Women, and our Outreach Clinics, click the links below. 

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