Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy is an important part of care here at the HTC. Our Physical Therapy Team works with patients to prevent and treat problems with muscles and joints throughout their lives.

Our PT team is led by Laura Singer-Fox, PT, DPT. She and other physical therapists are ready to help and provide answers to your questions. We believe that healing comes with consistency, even in small and simple motions and exercises.

Our PT Team has put together a new guide that can be helpful for all our patients. How to Keep Moving While Staying at Home provides insights and tips for people of all ages on keeping physically active.

Exercise sheets that can help our patients with proper stretching and exercise can be found here:


They can also be accessed online at and enter in the code at the top of each page.

While these are some general guidelines, please feel free to contact us with any questions, concerns, or for ideas on how to tailor a program to meet your individual needs. HTC Physical Therapy Line: (303)-724-0724​.

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