Specializing in prosthetic limb systems at the CU Denver|Anschutz Medical Campus
The Weir Biomechatronics Development Laboratory strives to develop better prosthetic limb systems by conducting research in fields ranging from 3D metal printing to optogenetics. We believe that finding solutions requires pushing the bounds of technology and creativity every day. Our goal is to practically apply our knowledge to give back independence and confidence to people who use prosthetic limbs.
Learn more about each of our research areas by clicking on the components of the interactive diagram below.
A. Bolu Ajiboye gives talk on BCI technologies for spinal cord injuries and stroke!
Tom DosSantos DiSorbo passed his comp exam in December 2023!
Tyler Currie and Kathryn Mirandette presented at SfN 2023 in DC!
Amber Bollinger placed 2nd in the Poster Competition at the 2023 VA Research Day!
Michael O'Donnell passed his comp exam in September 2023!