Faculty Development

The academic and financial success of a medical school depends on how well faculty teach, the quality of their clinical care and service, and their contributions to scholarship and discovery.  The School of Medicine Office of Faculty Affairs is committed to strengthening the School’s faculty development programs in these areas, especially for junior faculty who are beginning, or building, their careers as clinician-educators, scientists or scholars.

The Office of Faculty Affairs, in collaboration with the Academy of Medical Educators, has developed a Faculty Development Seminar and Workshop website, where you can “shop” for seminars covering a variety of skills, including: grant-writing; teaching in clinical settings; teaching in the lecture hall; constructing test questions; starting and managing a laboratory; preparing dossiers for promotion and tenure; and time management.  Several of the workshops have been developed into videos.

New faculty members are encouraged to attend the Annual New Faculty Career Development Workshop, where they will have an opportunity to meet many of the institution’s key leaders and learn more about the criteria for promotion, preparing promotion portfolios and dossiers, and the support systems that are available and tips for academic success. The Workshop is held in January annually.


Other Relevant Resources



Dossier Preparation Guide

Use this guide to learn how to prepare a dossier for promotion and/or tenure.
Promotion 101 HandoutUse this presentation to learn the basics of the promotion process.
Promotion 101 Syllabus

Refer to these materials as you plan, build and reflect on your career in academic medicine.

SOM Teaching Opportunities

Summarizes Undergraduate Medical Education teaching opportunities.

Behind Every Great Star: A Mentoring Guide for SOM Faculty and Administrators

This article offers SOM faculty and administrators guidance to build successful mentoring relationships.

Tuesdays to Write (A guide to time management in academic medicine)

This article offers recommendations that can help faculty members with time management.

Faculty Affairs – School of Medicine

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