Conflict of Interest Disclosure Rules

All faculty members must complete an annual conflict of interest disclosure form with the University of Colorado Denver.  Faculty members must disclose all financial ties and interests, regardless of amount, including salary or payment for services, consulting fees, royalty income, honoraria, payments for speaking, consulting and travel, service on boards, gifts, stock and equity interests.  Financial interests of family members must also be reported.  Importantly, faculty members must complete and sign the annual disclosure form, even if there are no financial ties, interests or conflicts to report.

Professional Research Assistants (PRAs) and staff members who participate in basic or clinical research or who negotiate or execute research agreements on behalf of the University must also submit annual disclosure reports.

Changes, additions or elimination of activities or interests must be reported by submitting an updated evaluation form within 30 days of the change, addition or elimination.

For more information about annual conflict-of-interest reporting, including definitions, lists of inclusions and exclusions and answers to frequently asked questions, visit the University of Colorado Denver Conflict of Interest and Commitment Office website.

Faculty Affairs – School of Medicine

CU Anschutz

Fitzsimons Building

13001 East 17th Place

Aurora, CO 80045

(303) 724-5358

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