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Mass Spectrometry Proteomics Shared Resource Facility

Anschutz campus rendering


The mission of the University of Colorado School of Medicine Proteomics Core Facility is to provide access to the very latest instrumentation and techniques in proteomics to UC Denver researchers as well as investigators at other institutes and private companies. Highly experienced staff work collaboratively with students, post-docs and faculty to move projects to successful completion. The Proteomics Core Facility provides a full array of services, including study design, sample preparation, data generation and analysis and interpretation of result.

The facility is supported in part by the University of Colorado School of Medicine and the University of Colorado Cancer Center.

Sample Submission

Prior to submitting samples, please refer to the CU Proteomics Core Sample Submission Guidelines.

All independent projects must be submitted separately through the following link.


Please contact the core to coordinate sample delivery. Sample shipping/drop-off must be scheduled with core personnel before samples will be accepted.

Please book a time for sample delivery here.

Mass Spectrometry Proteomics Core Facility

University of Colorado School of Medicine
Research 1 South
12801 E. 17th Ave.
Aurora, CO 80045

For letters of support, please submit the LOS Request Form.


Mass Spectrometry Proteomics Shared Resource Facility (RRID: SCR_021988)

All publications resulting from the use of the Proteomics Core Facility is required to acknowledge the Cancer Center Support Grant (P30CA046934) and submit the publication to PubMed Central. The following statment can be utilized:

“This study was supported in part by the National Institutes of Health P30CA06934 funded Mass Spectrometry Proteomics Shared Resource [RRID SCR_021988].”

For more information regarding publication authorship and acknowledgement requirements, please see our Policies and Procedures

Sample Submission

Anthony Saviola, PhD


Office: Research 1 South L18-1303

Publications on Google Scholar

Publications on PubMed

Alexandra Crook, PhD

Staff Scientist

Office: Research 1 South L18-1303

Publications on ResearchGate

Kirk Hansen, PhD

Facility Director

Office: Research 1 South L18-9120

Publications on Google Scholar

Publications on PubMed

Additional Personnel

Keira Lopez

Research Services Professional

Office: Research 1 South L18-1303

David Ceja Galindo

Research Services Professional

Office: Research 1 South L18-1303

Sean Maroney

Research Services Professional

Office: Research 1 South L18-1303



For project inquiries and consultations please contact the team here.

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