Policies and Procedures

Policies roadmap: Sample submission through publication

Sample Submission

Please click on the following link to fill out a sample submission form.

Metabolomics Sample Submission Form

Submitting samples to this core implies acceptance of the terms of service stated below in the Authorship and Grant Assistance sections.

The Metabolomics Core accepts samples from all University of Colorado researchers and from external users as capacity permits. Please contact the facility before you send any samples to discuss your needs and to determine the best approach for analysis. The most important goal is for us to get a solid understanding of your aims and expectations. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions.

For those mailing samples, the address is:

SOM Metabolomics Core University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus 12801 E. 17th Ave. Room L18-1303 Aurora, CO 80045 Phone 303-724-3339

Pricing Considerations for Custom Service

Please note that it is very difficult to estimate the total cost of a custom service until a number of factors are known. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • How much method development and validation is required?
  • The complexity of the assay (number of manipulations, instrument time and supplies needed, difficulty of data analysis).
  • Core Facility instrumentation used
  • Number of analytes measured
  • Cost/availability of internal or external standards. 

​We will clearly communicate cost via email prior to analysis and are glad to provide formal quotes upon request. 

Payment Options

Customers internal to CU must provide a speed type for invoice payments. Those outside of CU may pay by check, credit card or wire transfer. Paying with a credit card? Click Here

For questions regarding payment options, please contact  Shelly Fortner.

Notes on Authorship

Co-authorship is generally expected when core personnel have made significant intellectual contributions to the research in the form of consultation, experimental design, method development, data analysis and/or data interpretation. Significant is defined as "the project would not have progressed, or progressed at a substantially slower pace, without the guidance of facility personnel." In such cases, core personnel should have the opportunity to review and edit the appropriate sections of a manuscript before submission.

When the conditions of co-authorship are not met, acknowledgement of facility contributions is expected in publications that include data generated in the facility or processed using core instrumentation or software. An example of appropriate acknowledgement is "The authors wish to thank the University of Colorado School of Medicine Metabolomics Core for their contributions to this manuscript."

Please inform us when relevant publications are accepted, as we post citations on our website and in our annual reports. This information is vital to the continued support of the facility.

Grant assistance and Letters of Support

We are glad to provide letters of support and assistance in grant writing. For letters of support, please allow at least 2 weeks from the time of your request.

To request a LOS, fill out the form at the following link:

Letter of Support Request Form

Percent Effort

Our facility is also dependent on grant support for long-term success and we appreciate your support in keeping the facility funded. To determine if percent effort by core personnel is required, please consider the following:

  1. Does the proposal include a specific aim(s) that focuses on metabolomics?
  2. Is method development and/or data analysis development required?
  3. Would the aim or proposal not receive a favorable review without the support of Core personnel?
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