
The fee structure in the table below applies to cells and biofluids. Tissue samples are subject to an additional fee of $15 per sample to cover additional sample processing steps.​

All fees are per sample with the exception of method development, which is considered a custom service. For more information regarding pricing considerations for method development, please see our Policies and Procedures

UHPLC-MS with Relative quant.    
High Throughput Global Metabolomics (top 200 metabolites)$88$97$155
Stable Isotope Tracing$87$96$175
Global Metabolomics + Stable Isotope Tracing$127$140$250
Untargeted Lipidomics (LipidSearch)$145$160$225
Specialty Packages UHPLC-MS with Relative quant.   
Multiomics 1: Global Metabolomics + Lipidomics (LipidSearch)$186$205$304
Multiomics 2: Global Metabolomics + Oxylipins$141$155$224
Multiomics 3: Global Metabolomics + Oxylipins + Lipidomics (LipidSearch)$225$247$354
UHPLC-MS with Absolute quant. (stable isotope labeled standards)   
Amino Acids (exc. Asn, Trp) or Acylcarnitines$111$122$128
Tryptophan, Kynurenine$87$96$140
Glycolysis, TCA$157$173$210
Choline, betaine, TMAO$152$167$222
Bile Acids$157$173$210
Compounds not in our library   
ICP-MS Metalomics$100$110$190

Rates updated January 1, 2025

Are you a CU Cancer Center Member?

Contact the Metabolomics Core Manager, Julie Haines, to discuss Cancer Center Member subsidized rates.

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