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X-ray Crystallography Shared Resource Facility


The Structural Biology X-ray Crystallography Core facility is fully equipped for biomolecular crystallization, crystal screening, data collection, data processing, structure-determination and model building. The Rigaku/MSC Crystallization Robotics include: an Alchemist liquid handling robot for optimization screen production, a Phoenix drop setting robot, 2 Desktop Minstrel imaging units, and a plate hotel that are all networked and integrated with Crystal trak software, and an SPT Labtech mosquito Xtal-3 drop setting robot with humidifying chamber. The home source is composed of a Rigaku Micromax 007 high frequency microfocus X-ray generator, a VariMax high flux optic with adjustable divergence, an AFC11 4-axis goniometer, a Pilatus 200K 2D area detector, and an Oxford Cobra cryo-system. HKL-3000R is used for data collection and processing and is run on a Linux CentOS Dell Precision Workstation.


  • Structure Determination of Large Macromolecules (Proteins/Nucleic Acids)
  • Crystallization Screening
  • Preliminary Crystal Screening and Data Collection
  • Biomolecular crystallization
  • Crystal screening
  • Data collection
  • Data processing

The facility is located in RC1 South Building Rm 1301. It is directed by Dr. Mair Churchill (Department of Pharmacology) and is managed by Dr. John Hardin (Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics).

The X-Ray Crystallography Core facility is supported in part by the University of Colorado School of Medicine and the University of Colorado Cancer Center.

X-ray Crystallography Shared Resource Facility (RRID: SCR_021998)

All publications resulting from the use of the X-Ray Crystallography Core Facility should acknowledge the Cancer Center Support Grant (P30CA046934) and submit the publication to PubMed Central. 

Sample Submission

Dr. Mair Churchill

Facility Director, Professor  

CU Anschutz Medical Campus - Department of Pharmacology

12801 E. 17th Avenue, Mail Stop 8303

Aurora, CO 80045


John Hardin

Dr. John Hardin

Facility Manager, Research Associate

CU Anschutz Medical Campus - Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics

12801 E. 17th Avenue, Mail Stop 8101

Aurora, CO 80045


Xray Crystallography Core Facility

University of Colorado School of Medicine
Research 1 South
12801 E. 17th Ave.
Aurora, CO 80045

Xray Generator Room
RC1-South, Rm 1301

Crystallization Laboratory
RC1-South, Rm 1201

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