Instruments can be used on an hourly or daily basis. The fees for users from academic institutions other than the University of Colorado are ~25% higher than the fees for University of Colorado-affiliated users (overhead cost). The new fees are set to reflect increasing operating costs, increasing costs of reagents, disposables and labor costs, and the increased competition for research grants from primary investigators.
The new fees are calculated based on the current operating cost of the facility reflecting similar facilities at other non-profit institutions. An internet survey of other facilities across the country (Chicago, University of North Carolina, University of Southern California, Arizona) showed that the current UCAMC rates are competitive with these facilities. The fees and fees structure (hourly rates) reflect our goal to provide the best service while remaining flexible and competitive in light of rising inflation. The fees will be reviewed annually and adjusted as necessary to ensure that income from user fees does not exceed that needed to perpetuate the service on a self-sustaining basis.
Customers internal to CU must provide a speed type for invoice payments. Those outside of CU may pay by check, credit card or wire transfer. Paying with a credit card? Click Here
For questions regarding payment options, please contact Shelly Fortner.
If you have been trained on an instrument in the core facility and would like to get door access, please contact the facility manager, Robb Welty. You will need to provide your student ID or employee badge ID number to have access added to your badge.