Modern biology has been revolutionized by the discovery that many processes of fundamental importance are regulated by RNA in addition to the role of RNA in generating the protein constituents of cells. Current research has only scratched the tip of the iceberg in understanding the contribution of RNA and RNA regulatory mechanisms in biology. RNA biology is advancing medicine through development of new RNA therapeutics with the potential to target virtually any disease or process through a common target, RNA.
Major knowledge gaps remain in the basic, diagnostic and therapeutic areas of RNA biology and much remains to be discovered about mechanisms of RNA function, regulation, and its role and impact on biology and disease. Research in the RNA Biology Group is aimed at understanding the contribution and role of RNA in biology, disease, and therapy. These include studies on RNA biogenesis (transcription and RNA processing); identifying and understanding RNA structure-function; analysis of RNA translation, stability, surveillance, and localization; RNA regulatory networks; identifying and characterization of the roles of non-coding regulatory RNAs (small RNAs and long non-coding RNAs); RNA informatics and RNA technologies; the contribution of errors in RNA and its biogenesis to disease; and the potential development and use of novel RNA therapeutics.
Characterization large macromolecular complexes
Messenger RNA Production by RNA polymerase II
Viral protein/host protein interactions and enzyme motions
Nucleic acid repair
mRNA surveillance in health and disease
Mechanisms of chromatin-mediated gene silencing
The dynamics of RNA regulatory networks
Structural mechanisms of chromatin signaling
RNA stability and translation
Subcellular RNA localization
NMR spectroscopy for the elucidation of conformation and communication networks within and between proteins and nucleic acids
Developing technologies that enable tracking the full life cycle of proteins
Molecular mechanism of pre-mRNA splicing; drug design targeting transcriptional complex in breast cancer