Education Grand Rounds

Welcome to Education Grand Rounds, held virtually during the lunch hour, making it convenient for all of our faculty across sites to join in from anywhere!

These informative and engaging sessions will take place on the second Thursday of every month via Zoom.

We look forward to seeing you there and continuing our journey of learning and professional development together!


Grand Rounds Presentations for 2024 – 2025

Second Thursday of the Month
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Virtual Only 

Zoom Meeting Link


Meeting ID: 951 1046 4813

Passcode: 038028

eric holmboe

Equity in Assessment

July 11, 2024

Eric Holmboe
CEO, Intealth

Dr. Ankush Gosain


August 8, 2024

Ash Gosain, Joe Cleveland
Surgery, CU SOM

Catherine Bilyeu

Using Rich Pictures and Reflection to Develop Professional Professional Identity as a Medical Educator

September 12, 2024

Catherine Bilyeu
Physical Therapy, CU SOM

Joe L'Huiller

The Anatomy of Gossip: Dissecting Dynamics and Impacts in Medical Education

October 10, 2024

Joe L'Huiller
Surgery, University of Buffalo School of Medicine 

Ben Vipler

Transformative Learning in Health Professions Education

November 14, 2024

Ben Vipler
Hospital Medicine, CU SOM

AImee Bernard

Communicating Science to the General Public

December 12, 2024

Aimee Bernard
Immunology & Microbiology, CU SOM

Neva Howard

Assisting the Struggling Learner

January 9, 2025

Neva Howard
Pediatrics, CU SOM

Holly Caretta-Weyer

The Intricacies of Assessment in Medical Education

February 13, 2025

Holly Caretta-Weyer
Emergency Medicine, Stanford

tyra fainstad

The Medical Educator’s Toolkit to Create Psychological Safety

March 13, 2025

Tyra Fainstad
Medicine, CU SOM

Lindsay Lebin

Drum up your Drive: Strategies for Enhancing Motivation and Restoring Meaning in Medical Education

April 10th, 2025

Lindsay Lebin
Psychiatry, CU SOM

Jacqueline Ward Gaines

Creating Inclusive Learning Environments

May 8th,2025

Jacqueline Ward Gaines
Emergency Medicine, CU SOM

Steven Lowenstein

Maximizing Educational Endeavors to Support Promotions

June 12, 2025

Steven R. Lowenstein
Emergency Medicine, CU SOM

Past Grand Rounds 

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