Publications and Presentations
Miller, M.J., Hoffman, R.M., Swink, L.A., Barnes, D.E., Christiansen, C.L. (2022). Postamputation cognitive impairment in related to worse perceived physical function among middle-aged and older prosthesis users. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. DOI: 10.1016/j.apmr.2021.12.025
Anderson, C.B., Fatone, S., Mañago, M., Swink, L.A., Hager, E.R., Kittelson, A.J., Christiansen, C.L., Magnussen, D.M. (2022). Improving Shared Decision Making for Prosthetic Care: A Qualitative Needs Assessment of Prosthetists and Lower-Limb Prosthesis Users. Prosthetics and Orthotics International. DOI: 10.1097/PXR.0000000000000142. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35622457.
Fox, A., Swink, L.A., Prabhu, N., Fruhauf, C., Portz, J., Van Puymbroeck, M., Sharp, J., Leach, H., Schmid, A. (2022). Manual development for a multi-modal, dyadic intervention for persistent pain: A qualitative study. British Journal of Pain, 16(5), 481-489. DOI: 10.1177/20494637221090461
Klinedinst, T.C., Swink, L.A., Atler, K.E., Chard, C.A., Malcolm, M.P. (2021). The experience of Type 2 Diabetes: Application of the Model of the Human Occupation. British Journal of Occupational Therapy. DOI: 10.1177/03080226211026545
Mañago, M.M., Swink, L.A., Hager, E.R., Gisbert, R., Earhart, G.M., Christiansen, C., Schenkman, M. (2021). Changes and barriers due to COVID-19 for people with Parkinson’s disease who attend community-based exercise classes: A survey of class participants and their instructors. Journal of Physical Therapy. DOI: 10.1093/ptj/pzab203
Hill, H.M., Atler, K.E., Swink, L.A., Anderson, A.K., Fling, B.W., Schmid, A.A. (2021). Merging Yoga and Occupational Therapy for Parkinson’s Disease Improves Fatigue Management and Activity and Participation Measures. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 0(0), 1-10. DOI: 10.1177/0308022620909086
Swink, L.A., Fling, B.W., Sharp, J.L., Fruhauf, C.A., Atler, K.E., Schmid, A.A. (2020). Merging yoga and occupational therapy for Parkinson disease: A feasibility and pilot program. Occupational Therapy in Health Care, 34(4). DOI: 10.1080/07380577.2020.1824302
Swink, L.A., Fruhauf, C.A., Atler, K.E., Klinedinst, T.C., Fling, B.W., Schmid, A.A. (2020). Health-related quality of life changes after the Merging Yoga and Occupational Therapy for Parkinson’s disease program: A mixed-methods study. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 39. DOI: 10.1016/j.ctcp.2020.101156
Swink, L.A., Schmid, A.A., Atler, K.E., Klinedinst, T.C., Marchant, D., Marchant, T., Malcolm, M.P. (2020). Fall risk factors for individuals under the age of 65 years with type 2 diabetes mellitus. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 83(3), 191-196. DOI: 10.1177/0308022619876552
Schmid, A.A., Van Puymbroeck, M., Fruhauf, C.A., Swink, L.A., Portz, J.D. (2019). Balance and fall rates are associated with chronic pain and improve with yoga. OBM Geriatrics, 3(4). DOI: 10.21926/obm.geriatr.1904087
Swink, L.A., Atler, K.E., Klinedinst, T.C., Fling, B.W., Fruhauf, C.A., Schmid, A.A. (2019). Merging yoga and occupational therapy for Parkinson’s disease: program adaptation and development. Physical & Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics, 37(4), 260-281. DOI: 10.1080/02703181.2019.1645257
Atler, K.E., Schmid, A.A., Klinedinst, T.C., Grimm, L.A., Marchant, D., Marchant, T., Malcolm, M.P. (2018). The relationship between quality of life and participation among people with Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus. Occupational Therapy in Health Care. DOI: 10.1080/07380577.2018.1522017
Malcolm, M. P., Atler, K.E., Schmid, A.A., Klinedinst, T.E., Grimm, L.A., Marchant, D., Marchant, T. (2018).
Relating Activity and Participation Levels to Glycemic Control, Emergency Department Use, and Hospitalizations in Individuals with Type 2 Diabetes. Clinical Diabetes, 26(3), 232-243. DOI: 10.2337/cd17-0118
Schmid, A.A., Atler, K.E., Malcolm, M.P. Grimm, L.A., Klinedinst, T.C., Marchant, T.P., Marchant, D.R., Dickman Portz, J. (2018). Yoga improves quality of life and fall risk-factors in a sample of people with chronic pain and Type 2 Diabetes. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 31, 369-373. DOI: 10.1016/j.ctcp.2018.01.003
Grimm, L.A., Van Puymbroeck, M., Miller, K.K., Fisher, T., Schmid, A.A. (2017). Yoga after traumatic brain injury: Changes in emotional regulation and health-related quality of life in a case study. International Journal of Complementary & Alternative Medicine, 8(1), 00247. DOI: 10.15406/ijcam.2017.08.00247
Refereed Presentations
Swink, L.A., Nearing, K.A., So, N., Juarez-Colunga, E.J., Schmid, A.A., Christiansen, C.L. (accepted, 2023, June). Relationships between dual-tasking, falls, and instrumental activities of daily living for veterans with lower limb amputation. Platform presentation at the Occupational Therapy Summit of Scholars, Columbus, OH.
Anderson, C.B., Fatone, S., Mañago, M.M., Swink, L.A., Kittelson, A.J., Magnusson, D.M., Christiansen, C.L. (accepted, 2023, June). Engaging Stakeholders in the Development of a Shared Decision-Making Resource for the First Prosthesis Design After Lower Limb Amputation. Presentation at the Academy of Health Annual Research Meeting, Seattle, WA.
Swink, L.A., Thornton, W., Nearing, K.A., Owens, J. Mañago, M.M. (accepted, 2023, June). Blood Flow Restriction in People with Advanced Multiple Sclerosis: “Now I have a Sliver of Hope That I Might be Able to Build Some Strength.” Platform presentation at the Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Conference, Denver, CO.
Swink, L.A., Hoffman, R., Kline, P.W., Miller, M.J., Hager, E.R., Larson, C., Binder, K., Juarez-Colunga, E., Christiansen, C.L. (accepted, 2023, April). Life-space as a Contributor to Daily Step Count for Veterans with End-Stage Knee Osteoarthritis. Poster presentation at the American Occupational Therapy Association INSPIRE annual conference, Kansas City, MO.
Anderson CB, Fatone S, Mañago MM, Swink LA, Kittelson AJ, Magnussen DM, Christiansen, CL. (accepted, 2023, March). Development and Alpha Testing of a Patient Shared Decision Aid for Prosthesis Design After Lower Limb Amputation. [platform presentation] International Society of Orthotists and Prosthetists, 19th World Congress. In-Person Event.
Anderson C.B., Fatone S., Mañago M.M., Swink L.A., Hager E.R., Kittelson A.J., Christiansen C.L., Magnusson D.M. (2022, October). Utilizing a novel patient roadmap model for developing a shared decision support tool in the process of lower limb prosthesis design. Poster presentation at the Society for Medical Decision Making, Seattle, WA.
Swink, L.A., Mealer, M.L., Miller, M.J., Anderson, C.B., Cook, P.F., Stevens-Lapsley, J.E, Christiansen, C.L. (2022, September). Therapist perspectives on adoption of a telehealth self-management walking program for individuals with lower limb amputation. Poster presentation at VA Research Days, Aurora, CO.
Swink, L.A., Mealer, M.L., Miller, M.J., Anderson, C.B., Cook, P.F., Stevens-Lapsley, J.E, Christiansen, C.L. (2022, April). Telehealth walking self-management for individuals with lower limb amputation: A qualitative study of barriers and facilitators to adoption. Poster presented at the American Occupational Therapy Association National Conference, Virtual and in-person San Antonio, TX.
Anderson, C.B., Magnusson, D., Fatone, S., Swink, L.A., Mañago, M.M., Kittelson, A.J., Christiansen, C.L. (2022, March). Development of a Shared Decision Support Resource for First Prosthesis Design. Platform Presentation at the American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists, Annual Meeting & Scientific Symposium. Virtual and in-person, Atlanta GA.
Anderson C.B., Fatone S., Mañago M.M., Swink L.A., Hager E.R., Kittelson A.J., Christiansen C.L., Magnusson D.M. (2021, November). Exploring Decisional Needs of Prosthetists and Patients with Lower Limb Amputation for Prosthesis Design: A Qualitative Study to Inform Shared Decision-Making Resources. [platform presentation] International Society of Orthotists and Prosthetists, 18th World Congress. Virtual Event.
Mañago, M.M., Swink, L.A., Hager, E.R., Gisbert, R., Earhart, G.M., Christiansen, C., Schenkman, M. (2021, October). Community-based exercise classes participation for people with Parkinson’s disease and their instructors during COVID-19. Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy Annual Conference 2021
Anderson, C.B., Fatone, S., Mañago, M.M., Swink, L.A., Hager, E.R., Kittelson, A.J., Christiansen, C.L., Magnusson, D.M. (2021, September). Patient Needs for Shared Decisions in Lower-Limb Prosthesis Design. Platform presentation at the American Orthotic & Prosthetic Association National Assembly, Virtual Event.
Swink, L.A., Schenkman, M., Christiansen, C.L., Hager, E.R., Earhart, G.M., Gisbert, R., Mañago, M.M. (2021, June). Exercise patterns in a virtual world: Barriers and needs for people with Parkinson’s disease during the COVID-19 pandemic. Poster presentation at the Occupational Therapy Summit of Scholars, virtual. Received Best Poster Award.
Swink, L.A., Fling, B.W., Sharp, J.S., Fruhauf, C.A., Atler, K.E., Schmid, A.A. (2021, April). Merging yoga and occupational therapy for Parkinson’s disease: Preliminary outcomes. Waitlisted presentation at the American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference, OT INSPIRE, virtual.
Fruhauf, C.A., Schmid, A.A., Prabu, N., Swink, L.A., Portz, J., Leach, H., Hidde, M., Van Puymbroeck, M., Sharp, J., Fox, A. Gibson, B. (2020, November). Challenges in recruiting caregiver and care receiver dyads for a randomized control trial. Poster presentation at the Gerontological Society of America Conference, virtual conference.
Hill, H. M., Swink, L. A., Atler, K. E., Anderson, A. K., Fling, B. W., & Schmid, A. A. (2020, March—accepted, cancelled). Merging Yoga and Occupational Therapy for Parkinson's Disease Improves Fatigue Management and Activity and Participation Measures. Poster presentation at the American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference and Expo, Boston, MA.
Swink, L.A., Fling, B.W., Sharp, J.S., Fruhauf, C.A., Atler, K.E., Schmid, A.A. (2019, September). Merging yoga and occupational therapy for Parkinson’s disease: Preliminary outcomes. Poster presentation at VA Research Days, Aurora, CO.
Swink, L.A., Atler, K.E., Klinedinst, T.C., Fling, B.W., Fruhauf, C.A., Schmid, A.A. (2019, April). Meeting the needs of people with Parkinson disease through the adaptation of a fall risk program: Merging Yoga and Occupational Therapy for Parkinson Disease. Poster presentation at the American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Malcolm M.P., Schmid A.A., Grimm L.A., Klinedinst T.C., Atler K.E. (2018, April) Relating, activity, participation, and high health care utilization in adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus: Occupational therapy intervention targets. Poster presentation at the American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, UT
Grimm, L.A., Schmid, A.A., Atler, K.E., Klinedinst, T.C., Malcolm, M.P. (2018, April) Fall rates and risk factors for individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Poster presented at the American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, UT. *Selected for Young Scientist Theater
Grimm, L.A., Schmid, A.A., Fruhauf, C. (2018, April). Understanding the Needs of Unpaid Caregivers. Poster presented at the American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, UT.
Klinedinst, T.E., Atler, K.E., Grimm, L.A., Schmid, A.A., Malcolm, M.P. (2018, April). The TODAY project: Qualitative focus groups provide insight into daily management of diabetes and targets for intervention. Poster presented at the American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, UT.
Schmid, A.A., Malcolm M.P., Atler K.E. Grimm L.A., Klinedinst T.C., Portz, J., Chop, C. (2018, April). Yoga improves fall risk factors and quality of life in people with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Poster at the American Occupational Therapy Association National Conference, Salt Lake City, UT.^
Schmid, A.A., Portz, J., Fruhauf, C., Van Puymbroeck, M., Bair, M., Chop, C.A., Grimm, L.A. (2018, April). Yoga improves occupational performance, pain-related disability, and activities of daily living for people with chronic pain. Presentation in a Scientific Panel at the American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, UT.
Non-refereed Presentations
Swink, L.A., So, N., Nearing, K., Albright, K., Juarez-Colunga, E., Christiansen, C. (2022, April). Dual-tasking for Veterans with lower limb amputation. Invited Poster Presentation at the Knowledge Exchange, Department of Occupational Therapy, Fort Collins, CO.
Klinedinst, T.C., Atler, K.E., Schmid, A.A., Grimm, L.A., Malcolm, M.P. (2017, October). The TODAY Project: Insights into self-management of diabetes and intervention targets. Poster Presented at the Graduate Student Showcase, Fort Collins, CO
Grimm, L.A., Schmid, A.A., Van Puymbroeck, M., Fisher, T., Miller, K.K. (2017, April). Yoga after traumatic brain injury: Changes in emotional regulation and health-related quality of life. Poster session presented at Colorado State University's Occupational Therapy Department Knowledge Exchange, Fort Collins, CO.
Grimm, L.A. Merging Yoga and Occupational Therapy for Parkinson Disease. (2017, September). Oral Presentation at Yamagata Prefecture University of Health Sciences, Yamagata, Japan.