TIGRR Application


Cost is $2,800 and includes:

  • Ground transportation to and from the Charleston International Airport.
  • Hotel room (Monday through Thursday).
  • Meals during the workshop.
  • Workshop materials, mentors and consultants.

Note: Airfare/travel costs and additional night(s) at Wild Dunes Resort not included

Application Information

Important Dates

July 1, 2025 - August 14, 2025: Applications accepted (closes at midnight Pacific Time)

Thursday, October 9, 2025: Successful applicants notified via email

Monday, October 13, 2025: Waitlisted and non-accepted applications notified via email

Friday, October 24, 2025: Applicants must confirm acceptance of invitation, and complete registration

Monday, October 27, 2025: Alternates notified via email if a slot becomes available

Friday, October 31, 2025: Participants notified of their primary and secondary mentors

Friday, October 31, 2025 - December 2025: Mentors begin contacting mentees and providing feedback to mentees on proposal and/or research ideas in preparation for the workshop

January 5-9, 2026: Training in Grantsmanship for Rehabilitation Research Intensive Workshop

Wednesdays, March 25, May 27, July 23: Peer-review Panels


Step 1: Complete Application Forms (Please note the application is now closed for the upcoming workshop.)

Part A is for the applicant's research plan

Research Plan Format

  • No More Than 3 Pages
  • Separate Document from Biosketch
  • References may be additional page(s)
  • We recommend following NIH’s typical page formatting of 11 point minimum Arial font, single space, and .5” margins.

Specific Aims - 1 page

  • Including hypotheses when appropriate; impact and innovation

Research Strategy - 2 pages

  • Background (brief literature review and rationale)
  • Significance (implication for the field)
  • Innovation
  • Approach

It is important to clearly convey the Aims, Significance and Innovation in these 3 pages

Part B is for the applicant's personal information (NIH Biosketch)

NOTE: The research plan and Biosketch can only be submitted one time per applicant. Therefore, it is suggested that both these items are in their final draft before you apply online. Please use the online submission link at the bottom of this page from July 1 through August 14th (midnight Pacific Time).

Step 2: Letters of Support

1. Department Chair or Division Head

Must be from registrant's institution or, if senior trainee, in institution where faculty position is anticipated.

The letter of support should contain the following information:

  • Provision of registrant's cost of travel/registration.
  • Protected time for registrant to prepare for and participate in the 4-1/2day workshop, to complete and submit NIH proposal or equivalent, and, if funded, to execute the proposed research.

2. Registrant's Research or Senior Faculty Member

The letter of support should contain the following information:

  • Potential of registrant as an academic and as a researcher.
  • Adequacy of training and research experience to be competitive for an NIH or equivalent; research or research training award.
  • Overview of registrant's research topic, planned approach, facilities, resources, and expertise available.
  • Mentor's qualifications (e.g. NIH or comparable funding record
    of accomplishment) and plans for supporting the registrant in planning and writing a competitive research proposal. For strongest application, the letter from mentor should also include evidence of past and present mentoring interactions with mentee.
  • NIH Biosketch of faculty mentor.

Both letters should be addressed to the Application Committee and uploaded as attachments to the online application. The NIH Biosketch of the faculty mentor will also be uploaded as an attachment in the application.

Step 3: Submit Application

Note: All of the above listed documents will be attached to your application. Make sure that they are complete before starting the application. You can only apply once.

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