Clinical Education

The clinical faculty for the University of Colorado Physical Therapy Program has the opportunity to facilitate meaningful learning experiences and to mold future colleagues. Mentoring students is a great way to keep current with the evidence and knowledge in our field. Not only will students bring a new energy and infectious enthusiasm to your facility, but clinical teaching will allow you to give back to the profession.

Please contact if you are interested and seeking more information.
Interested in offering a Clinical Experience for CU PT students? Please email
To view resources specific to clinical instructor development, clinical site and experience materials and documents specific to our curriculum, visit our resources page

Become a Volunteer Clinical Faculty member.



Clinical Instructor Credentialing CourseWe encourage all of our Clinical Instructors to complete the basic APTA Credentialing course, offered annually, to ensure consistency and quality for our clinical internships.

Clinical Education Curriculum

DPT Curriculum and CU PT Course Descriptions

Clinical Education Team

Photo of the Clinical Education Team.

Residential Pathway Clinical Education Team

Photo of residential pathway clinical education team

Hybrid Pathway Clinical Education Team

Photo of hybrid pathway clinical education team

Joe Palmer PT, DPT, PhD

Assistant Professor Director of Clinical Education

Rebecca Keefer PT, DPT, CCS

Senior Clinical Instructor

Jessica Calhoun MBA

Clinical Education & Procurement Coordinator

Jacob Austin BA

Academic Services Senior Professional

Catherine Bilyeu PT, DPT, PhD, OCS

Assistant Professor Associate Director of Clinical Education – Residential Pathway

Molly Jones PT, DPT, NCS

Senior Clinical Instructor

Eric Sawyer PT, DPT, OCS, STC, CFEI©

Assistant Professor Assistant Director of Clinical Education – Hybrid Pathway

All complaints regarding the CU Physical Therapy Clinical Education program should be addressed to the CU Physical Therapy Program Director, Michael Harris-Love, PT, MPT, DSc, FGSA at: or (303) 724-0687. Responses to inquiries will be answered within 10 business days. Students who have complaints that have not been resolved through contact with the CU PT Program may seek advisement within the University or via external governing bodies (see below).

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